Yes, if the speech is considered threatening, harassment, or incitement to violence, it can lead to arrest. Additionally, hate speech or defamation can also result in legal consequences.
for example: 'i will have to detain you for further questioning' it means to stop keep someone from their future activities. a policeman might say this to the person he has arrested.
A court can issue an injunction to compel someone to start or stop doing something. An injunction is a legal order that requires a person to take a specific action or to refrain from doing a particular act.
Yes, if you are asking someone to repeat themselves or clarify something, using "what" is more commonly used than "pardon" in casual conversation.
To use the word "exonerate" in a sentence, you can say something like, "The DNA evidence helped to exonerate the wrongfully accused man of the crime he did not commit." Here, "exonerate" means to clear someone of blame or wrongdoing.
It's important to communicate your concerns or boundaries in a direct but respectful manner. Express your feelings and the potential consequences if the behavior continues, focusing on the impacts rather than threats. Seek a peaceful resolution or involve a mediator if needed to address the situation effectively.
Because she got arrested for something that's all I know and I've been trying to find out about what did she do to be arrested but every one on the Internet say different thing 1st something about Chris Jericho then I open another page that has something to do with JTG! So that's all I know , that shes arrested...
Not exactly. The cips may follow around the person and catch them in the act of something and they can be arrested and held for about 48 hours on another charge such as disorderly conduct, or etc.and then can be proven of the original crime.
You could say something like: - engaged - busy It's meaning is that something or someone is in a particular place.
A name is for someone to call you something. Would you want someone to call you something or say," person over there!"
To say someone is born into something, you can also use the phrase "born with a silver spoon in their mouth" or "born into privilege/circumstances."
Yes, it is correct to say that something impacted someone's life. When you say "impacted on someone's life," you are emphasizing the effect that something had on that person's life.
Please say something in English.
Nothing?? No.. better... tell them why you were arrested and deal with the consequences if the reason you were arrested was because you were doing something wrong! its your fault.. you got caught
You clarify something for someone. For example, you could say, "Can you clarify this for me?"
someone say something
Tyrant. A dictator is someone who insists in dictating everything - - - micromanager?
You say you're sorry.