

Economic structure of Indian economy

Updated: 4/29/2024
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structure of indian economy?

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The Indian economy is a mixed economy, with elements of both capitalism and socialism. It is primarily based on services, industry, and agriculture sectors. Key industries include information technology, pharmaceuticals, textiles, and automotive. The government plays a significant role in regulating key sectors and promoting inclusive growth through various social welfare programs.

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Level of government that people expected to cure the economic ills?

The federal government is typically expected to address and alleviate economic issues. Through fiscal policies, such as spending and taxation, as well as monetary policies, such as setting interest rates, the government aims to stimulate economic growth, reduce unemployment, and stabilize the economy in times of crisis.

What is a correct statement regarding slavery in Latin America?

Slavery in Latin America was widespread and played a significant role in the region's economy, particularly in countries like Brazil and Cuba. Slaves were used for labor in industries such as agriculture, mining, and domestic work. The legacy of slavery continues to impact social and economic inequalities in Latin America today.

What problem arose because Georgia did not allow slaves?

One problem that arose from Georgia not allowing slaves was that it limited the agricultural labor force available to work on plantations, hindering the profitability of the state's agricultural economy. Additionally, Georgia's economy relied heavily on slave labor, so the ban on slavery created economic challenges for the state.

Who is in charge of capitalism?

There isn't one specific person or entity in charge of capitalism. Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production, where individuals and businesses make decisions in a market-driven economy.

What is a way in which American foreign policy affects people in India?

American foreign policy can impact people in India through economic ties, trade agreements, and security measures. It can influence India's economy, job market, and overall diplomatic relations with other countries. Additionally, decisions made by the US government on issues such as immigration, climate change, and international conflicts can have indirect effects on Indian citizens.

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