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No, it does not depend upon the whim and caprice of the judges, nor it depends upon his personal philosophical view. The strong reason is that he is a judge and not a philosopher. Both the fields are different.

A judge should clearly realize his position as a judge. A judge, with whom the confidence is reposed by the people of any Country, is not free alike individual in the society. A judge has to adore the Constitution, the existing principles of law and the precedent.

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While judges are expected to apply the law objectively and impartially, it is possible for personal philosophical views to influence their interpretation and application of the law. However, judges are trained to set aside personal biases and make rulings based on legal principles and precedents. The judicial system also has checks and balances to ensure fairness and adherence to the rule of law.

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Probate is the legal process of administering a deceased person's estate, which may involve validating their will, paying debts, and distributing assets. Whether you have to probate a will depends on various factors such as the nature and value of the assets, state laws, and any potential disputes among heirs. It is advisable to consult with an attorney to determine if probate is necessary in your specific situation.

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In law, 1013 typically refers to a psychiatric evaluation, while 2013 could refer to a variety of legal contexts as it is not a specific code or section. The difference between the two would depend on the specific laws and regulations being referenced in each case.

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That really depends on the individual. Some people find the practice of law engaging and intellectually stimulating, while others may find it tedious or repetitive. It often comes down to personal preference and the specific type of law one practices.

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