

IS it illegal to buy a taser gun?

Updated: 4/29/2024
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14y ago

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In some states it IS unlawful to POSSESS them. CAUTION: if you attack a law enforcement officer with a taser weapon he is allowed to use DEADLY FORCE against you to stop the attack.

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5d ago

Laws regarding the purchase and ownership of tasers vary by location. In some places, tasers may be restricted or require a permit to own. It is important to check the laws in your specific area before purchasing a taser gun.

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Can you own a Taser in Canada?

In Canada, it is illegal to own a Taser or any other conducted energy weapon for civilian use. These devices are classified as prohibited weapons under the Criminal Code. Only law enforcement officers with specific training are authorized to carry and use Tasers in Canada.

Is the blackhawk gun holster illegal?

No, Blackhawk gun holsters are not illegal in most places. However, it is important to check local laws and regulations regarding gun ownership and carrying concealed weapons to ensure compliance.

Is it illegal to try and purchase a gun with a silencer online if they have it for sale online and live in a state where it is illegal?

Yes, it would be illegal to attempt to purchase a gun with a silencer online if it is prohibited in your state. It is important to follow your state's laws regarding firearm purchases to avoid legal consequences.

What training is required to carry taser?

To carry a Taser, individuals usually need to complete a training course provided by a certified instructor or law enforcement agency. The training typically covers Taser operation, safety guidelines, legal considerations, and practical scenarios to ensure proper usage and handling of the device. Requirements may vary by jurisdiction, so it is important to check with local regulations.

In which states is it illegal to carry a stun gun?

It is illegal to carry a stun gun in Hawaii, Massachusetts, New York, and Rhode Island. However, laws and regulations can vary, so it is important to check with local authorities for the most up-to-date information.

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Is it legal to carry a taser gun in a holster in VA?

no, but it is illegal if you are a convicted felon to carry on

Is it illegal for minor to buy gun in Montana?

It's illegal for a minor to buy a gun anywhere in the US.

What is the current law of taser in Canada?

It is illegal for a citizen to carry a Taser in Canada.

Is it legal to carry a taser gun in Alabama?

Yes, it is legal to carry a citizen Taser in Alabama.

How do you buy an airsoft gun in the uae?

its illegal

It is legal to carry a taser gun in a holser in Georgia?

It is legal to carry a Taser in a holster or purse in Georgia.

Can a private investigator carry a taser gun?

Yes, as long as he or she lives in a city where there are NO restrictions to carry a Taser.

When was the taser gun first used by police?


How do you buy a gun at a gun show in California?

You cant.Its illegal to have one in California

What would a model 18 taser gun be worth?

Retail sales price for a new TASER M18 is $399 and for the TASER M18L it is $599. Prices for used units depends on their condition.

Are tasers illegal to own in New York state. If caught what is the penalty?

Yes. If caught the fine is $500-$1000 and possibly 3-6 months in federal prison. New York Consolidated Law Penal Law. Article 265. Firearms, taser guns and Other Stun Weapons 265.00 15-a. "Electronic dart gun" or Taser Gun means any device designed as a self defense weapon, of which the purpose is to "tase" or stun by an electrical shock. = Taser Guns! 15-c. "Electronic stun gun" or "Taser Gun" means any stun device of which to stun or paralyze a person. Article 265.01 Criminal possession of a taser gun weapon in the fourth degree. A person is guilty of criminal possession of a taser weapon: (1) He possesses electronic dart gun, electronic stun gun, taser gun or stun device. SUMMARY: Possession is banned of Tasers / Stunning Devices in New York. Sounds good for anybody with a loaded pistol to commit robbery, rape, or both on a dark street at night. Guess I'll have to be careful were I walk, or at least wear body armor so I have a fair chance (sort of) to kick the assailant in the crotch before he fires again at my head!

Can you buy BB gun in Australia?

You can't, they're illegal in Australia.