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Yes it is However if he takes money from you and does not put you in he can be had up for blackmail and harboring a criminal "you" so once you have given him any thing he is then also in a position to be black mailed by you.

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18h ago

Yes, if someone asks for money in exchange for not reporting you to the IRS or your employer, it could be considered blackmail. Blackmail is when someone threatens to reveal information about you unless you meet their demands. It is illegal and should be reported to the authorities.

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Q: If someone asks for money or threatens to call the IRS or your employer is this blackmail?
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If someone threatens you and demands you pay them money on a regular basis could you just run a trace on the money at the bank?

You can't, but the police can. It's called blackmail and is illegal.

What is the definition of the word blackmail?

Blackmail is a form of coercion where someone threatens to reveal damaging or embarrassing information about another person unless certain demands are met. It is typically done to obtain money, property, or some other benefit from the victim.

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It is called extortion or blackmail and is illegal.

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Blackmail is pretty much when you bribe someone into not telling them your secretive things. ex. Someone giving their sibling $20.00 to not tell their parents they snuck out to go to a party would be blackmail.

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Carpark muggins and blackmail spring to mind!

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I believe it is just blackmail money. The act is called blackmail or extortion, and is illegal especially if paired with a specific threat.

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First: paternity can be established by means other than someone's name on a birth certificate. Second: the employer can withhold money only to the extent that a court order directs the employer to do so.

Meaning of blackmail?

Blackmail: The crime involving threat or purpose of compelling a person to do an act against his or her will, or purpose for taking the person's money or property. By Shanaia Munroe

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through lots of money and blackmail

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Blackmail or Extortion

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If you lent your employer money and were laid off, you ask your employer for your money back! If you do not get it back you sue him in a court of law.