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That's funny, I accidentally cut someone off today on the highway, a genuine mistake, but this guy ended up following me and parked behind me. He confronts me, yells at me, tells me he called the Highway Patrol and then asks to see my license. I give it to him, because I don't want trouble, but it kept bothering me that he called the CHP about it; when people cut me off, i usually shrug it off because they probably are sorry for it anyway.

So when i get home, i call the local CHP office and the officer says that they'll take the information, etc etc but they "can't do anything because [they] didn't see anything".

You have nothing to worry about (that is, if you're in California). I'm guessing it's the same all over the US...

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If someone follows you in a confrontational manner after you have cut them off while driving, it is best to drive to a public place or police station. Do not engage with the individual and do not drive directly to your home. If you feel threatened, contact the police immediately and provide them with as much information as possible, including the other driver's license plate number.

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Q: If you cut someone off while driving is that person legally allowed to follow you to your destination and confront you about it and if he is what steps are you allowed to take to ensure your security?
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Is it illegal to use your cell phone while driving in Tennessee?

Yes, it is illegal to use a handheld cell phone while driving in Tennessee. Drivers are prohibited from holding a cellphone or other electronic device to conduct voice communication. Hands-free devices are allowed.

Is pulling off the pavement to pass on the right is against the law?

Passing on the right by driving off the pavement is generally not allowed, as it is dangerous and against traffic laws. It is safer to wait for a proper passing zone or for the slower vehicle to move to the right lane.

Is driving over the curb during your driving test a reason for disqualification?

Driving over the curb during your driving test may result in a deduction of points or a failed test, depending on the severity and circumstances of the incident. It is important to always follow the rules of the road and drive safely during your driving test to increase your chances of passing.

Are your attitudes your best defense when driving?

Attitudes play a significant role in driving behavior as they influence decision-making and risk assessment on the road. However, safe driving requires a combination of attitudes, skills, and knowledge. Developing good driving habits, following traffic rules, and staying alert are also essential for safe driving.

How many driving decisions are made each minute of driving?

It is estimated that a driver makes about 20 driving decisions each minute while driving. These decisions can include adjusting speed, changing lanes, signaling, and responding to road conditions or other vehicles.

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