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yes, your partner will have to lie too. do you really want to hear about it for the rest of your life?

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15y ago
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14y ago

No, but you can be married and file separate.

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10y ago

Yes, it is considered perjury and can result in back taxes, interest, and fines.

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Q: Is it illegal to file single if you are married?
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What if you closed out a doing business as company and filed single while still married is that legal?

You have the choice each year to file single, or if available, married jointly. If you file single, you each have to file a return.

How do you file in Alabama if you are a same sex couple?

Being a same-sex couple has no relevance. If you are married (to the same-sex or opposite sex), you file as married. If you are single, you file as single.

Does the law require you to file married if you want to file single?

You need to file based on your status as of December 31 of the tax year. If you are married you must file married, but you can file either jointly or separately.

When married to an illegal that works for cash on filing taxes would you apply single married or married but separated?

Even though your wife has no taxable income, you are still required to file married on your taxes. A tax professional will be able to explain filing statuses more.

Do you file single if married for a month?

Yes, you have to married 6 months or more.

Do you have to file income tax as a married couple?

No. The election to file single or married is totally yours, and able to be changed each year.

What is the difference between married but withholding at a higher single rate and married filing separate?

Married people can file jointly or separately, never as a single person.

How do i legalize my girlfriend who is an illegal alien?

A person can not legalize their girlfriend or boyfriend if they are an illegal alien. If the person is married to an illegal alien, they can file for a Visa from the INS.

How much of the year do you have to be single to file as single on taxes?

If you are considered single for tax purpose when the year ends, you can file as single. Even if you get your final divorce decree at 11:59 pm on December 31, you can file as single. And, even if you are married, you don't HAVE to file may use the "married filing separately status" (which is different than the "single" status)...and change it every year, at your election.

If a married couple has the same employer can they both carry a policy with single and family coverage?

If you are single, you file as single

Can you and your fiance file as a couple?

You can't file Married Filing Jointly if you aren't a married couple. While you're engaged, you each have to file as Single. But no matter when you marry during the year, you can file Married Filed Jointly for the year in which you marry.

If you filed as married joint can you file as married single?

You can do it either way and change the method every year, no problem. Your free election. Of course, there is no such thing as "married single." Married and single are mutually exclusive. You are thinking of "married filing separately."