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"Yankees" or "patriots". Others called them "rebels" or ''sons of violence.''

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Loyalists/ Tories were the label given to the colonists who sided with the British during the American Revolutionary War. They believed in remaining loyal to the British monarchy and government.

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it is ether independence

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Loyalists are the colonists who sided with Britain in the American Revolution.

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the Loyalists

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Q: Label given to the colonists who sided with the British in this conflict?
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During peacetime no soldier shall be quartered in a house without the consent of the owner?

This is referencing the Third Amendment to the United States Constitution, which protects individuals from having soldiers quartered in their homes during peacetime without their consent. The amendment was included in response to British colonists' experiences with the Quartering Act of 1774, where British soldiers were given the right to demand housing and provisions from American colonists.

What is meant by the term 'No Quarter Given'?

"No Quarter Given" means to show no mercy or offer no surrender to opponents, typically in a conflict or battle. It signifies a ruthless or unforgiving approach and implies that no mercy will be shown.

What is the Philippine law RA 9344 known as?

RA 9344, also known as the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act, is a law in the Philippines that aims to protect the rights of children involved in the criminal justice system. It establishes a separate justice system for children in conflict with the law, focusing on their rehabilitation and reintegration into society.

What is the meaning of lex posterior derogat proiori?

It means that a later law takes precedence over an earlier conflicting law. This principle ensures that the most recently enacted law prevails when there is a conflict between laws.

What is the law of robots?

The "law of robots" typically refers to Isaac Asimov's Three Laws of Robotics, which are a set of principles governing the behavior of robots in his science fiction works. The laws are: 1) A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm. 2) A robot must obey orders given by human beings, except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3) A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

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What was the Label given to the colonists who sided with the British in this conflict?


British colonists in India were given a mandate by Britain to?

Anglicize India.

Name given to colonists who supported the British crown?

They were called Loyalists.

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Colonists who fought were called?

"Patriots" was the name given to the Colonists who fought for independence. Loyalists aka. "Tories", were those Colonists who remained "loyal" to King George III i.e. England.

Why did the colonists use the Boston massacre against the British?

Colonists opposed the taxes being given on things such as tea. Decided to dump it all out costing Britain to lose a lot of money.

Why did most Indians fight with the french against the british and its American colonists in the french and Indian war?

The French colonists treated the Native Americans with A LOT more respect than the other colonists did (including British colonists). The NAs would have rather had no colonization on their land at all, but given the choice to defend the peaceful French territory or fight alongside the British (who wanted to acquire that territory) it was an easy decision for them to make.

What would happen if the colonists had given in to Britain?

We'd most likely still be under British rule. Not that that would a bad thing.

The name given to the British in 1776?

Many American colonists referred to British soldiers as Red Coats. They wore colorful red uniforms.They were also called "oppressors" in a manner of speaking.

What is the name given to the forcible resettlement by the british government of many of the original french colonists of nova scotia new brunswick and pei?

The Acadian Expulsion

What action could the British Parliament have taken to resolve their differences with the colonists, and strengthen relations between England and America?

The British Parliament could have taken several actions to resolve their differences with the colonists and strengthen relations with America. They could have given the colonists representation in Parliament, allowing them a say in the laws that affected them. They could have repealed the various taxation acts that fueled the colonists' grievances. Lastly, they could have engaged in more open and inclusive dialogue with colonial leaders to address their concerns and find common ground.

Who was fighting the Revolutionary War and why?

The people who fought in the revolutionary war were the British and the Colonists. They went to war because King George III would enforce laws and taxes to the Colonists without there representation. Taxation without representation" meant that the colonists were being taxed and given laws without any representation, meaning that the laws given to them were just given without even letting the colonists knowing. This was unfair to the colonists so they boycotted (rebelled) on all British laws, taxes, and goods. The British could see that the colonists would never give up fighting for their liberty, so they kept fighting, more people died, but in the end, the colonists had won, and liberty was theirs. No longer did they have a monarchy (When a king and or queen runs a nation or country), but now they had a democracy. (people would vote for a leader to represent their country.)