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Answer I disagree. Home inspection reports are private, and they belong to the Buyer who paid for them. (or the Seller if the Seller paid for them). The only people who can get copies, absent the Buyer or Seller's permission, are the Realtors working on the sale.

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No, a house inspection report does not automatically become public information. It is typically only shared with the homeowner, potential buyers, and relevant parties involved in the real estate transaction.

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15y ago

It depends on several things:

Who performed the inspection?

What kind of inspection was performed?

Where was the inspection performed?

For whom was the inspection performed?

What are the terms of the contract under which the inspection was performed?

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Q: Once your house inspection report is generated does it become public information?
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Different between private and public information?

Private information refers to data that is confidential and should only be shared with authorized individuals. This could include personal details, financial information, and medical records. Public information, on the other hand, is freely available and accessible to anyone, such as information found in public records or shared on social media.

Does one have to take a class to become a notary?

In most states, you are required to take a notary class or pass an exam to become a notary public. The specific requirements vary by state, so it's best to check with your state's notary public division for the most up-to-date information.

Are small claims court judgments public information?

Yes, small claims court judgments are generally considered public information. This means that details of the judgment, such as the involved parties, the amount awarded, and the outcome of the case, can typically be accessed by the public through court records.

How can you view somebodies will on the internet?

You can typically access a person's will after their death by checking with the probate court in the county where they resided. Wills are usually filed with the court and become public record once the person passes away. You may also contact the person's attorney or executor for information on how to view the will.

Which of the following is not available to the public?

Information about individuals' medical records is typically not available to the public due to privacy laws and regulations.

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Once your home inspection report is generated it becomes public information true or false?

Once your home inspection report is generated it will become available to the purchaser, seller, inspector, agents, and mortgage company. It will not be a public record for all to see.

Do home inspections become public information?

The only person who will get a copy of the home inspection report is the person who requests the inspection and pays for it. The home inspectors' commitment to you is to present you with a comprehensive, unbiased home inspection report.

Are home inspections made public?

Typically, home inspection reports are not made public unless the homeowner decides to share them. The details of a home inspection report are generally considered private information between the homeowner, buyer, and the inspector.

Is a home inspection report public information?

If you have a Home Information Pack (HIP) on your property, the selling agent MUST be able to present the information to a potential buyer. This information can be handed out to anyone who asks for it.

Where can I find out more information about the notary public?

Notaries of the public is a public office. Information on how to become a notary public can be found at your local government, specifically state government websites.

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Where can I inquire anything about home inspection training?

If you would like to take home inspection training courses one of the best places to acquire all the information's you need is

Why must personal information not be shared with people?

It would become public information, or it could be misused in various ways.

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Routine inspection if applies or you were reported.

Home inspection is private or public?

A home inspection is a private service that is typically requested by people who are looking to buy or sell a home. A home inspection is when a certified inspector is hired to inspect a home to determine the condition of the home. The results of a home inspection are confidential and are only shared with the client who requested the inspection. The results of the inspection may affect a real estate transaction. However, the inspection itself is not public, which protects the client's privacy.

Where can I find how to become a public notary?

There is a National Notary Association full of resources and help on how to become a notary in your state. You can find the information at

Where can I find information on how to become a notary public?

Becoming a notary is a bit different in each and every state. You can find the information too become a notary with details on each states qualifications at