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The role of an interpreter is that of helping the two parties understand or communicate the language.

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Q: What is the role of an interpreter in the court?
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The Supreme Court

Is it mandatory for the court to pay for an interpreter in a civil or domestic case?

yes. if you dont know what they are saying, then you would not be responsible.

Why the ethnicity of an interpreter for a person is important?

The ethnicity of an interpreter is not necessarily as important as the ability of the interpreter to accurately interpret what is being communicated. An ethnic group is a social group that identies with one another so, it may be helpful if the interpreter is of the same ethnicity but it is not necessary. For example, for sign-language interpreters, ethnicity plays a little role, if any, in the ability to accurately relay the information.

When using an interpreter to communication with a person you may be in contact with as part of your work role?

not important who you direct your question and comments to

When using an interpreter to communicate with a person you may be in contact with as part of your work role?

not important who you direct your question and comments to

Final interpreters of the constitution?

According to the US Constitution itself, the United States Supreme Court is the final interpreter of the Constitution. The Court's decisions are final and are seldom changed.

Where can one find an interpreter of Maladies?

An Interpreter of Maladies is a traditional Indian medicinal role that is largely uncommon today in areas outside of India. To find one abroad, the best method would be to find Indian American communities (if in the United States) or, in general, an Indian physician who might have an interpreter on staff.

What is the role of the court service?

The role of the court service is to keep proceedings from the Court run in a timely and organized manner. The court service has several employees which keep track of trial history.