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Q: What were people called when they sold illegal alcohol?
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Where did people go to drink illegal alcohol?

During prohibition, a places that sold alcohol illegally was called a speakeasy.

Illegal bars that sold bootlegged alcohol were called...?

they were called saloons back then!

What did bootleggers play in the failure of prohibition?

Bootleggers sold illegal alcohol to consumers and helped to bypass the laws.

Is alcohol illegal in Afghanistan?

Yes.Alcohol actually is illegal in Afghanistan, but is still sold there.

Where did people go to drink alcohol?

During prohibition, a places that sold alcohol illegally was called a speakeasy.

What is worse stealing or drinking alcohol?

stealing is illegal alcohol is sold as a product in stores so stealing

Hidden businesses that illegally sold alcohol even after the volsted act was passed and alcohol became illegal?


Should alcohol be legal or illegal?

Well, marijuana can be a controlled substance, although it does have the same affects of alcohol. Yes marijuana can be addictive, and people who are, are called "potheads". But our government legalizes alcohol, and that can be addictive, that's why in America we have people called "alcoholics". If they are going to make marijuana illegal, they might as well just make ALL drugs illegal. Because if you think about it... alcohol is a drug.

What is the dangerous and illegal drug sold in public?

I worked as a CPN with drug & alcohol clients...25% ofl all hospital admissions are due to alcohol.

What part did bootleggers play in the failure of prohibition?

Bootleggers sold illegal alcohol to consumers and helped to bypass the laws.

Have people ever been sold on eBay?

No. It is slavery and illegal.

What is the name of a moon shine container?

Moonshine (illegal, homemade alcohol), was commonly kept in crockery jugs with a cork stopper. It was also stored in canning jars, both pint and quart size. Moonshining became quite popular during prohibition, when alcohol was declared illegal. Those who made, sold, and distrubuted moonshine were called "moonshiners".