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The larger states have more electoral votes and so have a much greater influence on the outcome of the election. In fact, winning just the eleven states with the largest population is all that is needed to win the election. Moreover, a candidate can reach a huge number of voters without much travel time or expense if he stays in the large states.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 5d ago

Presidential candidates may spend more time campaigning in states like California, Texas, or New York because they have large populations and a significant number of electoral votes. Winning these states can heavily impact the outcome of the election. Additionally, these states have diverse Demographics and may offer a broad platform for candidates to communicate their message to a wide audience.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

States with the greater population are given more electoral votes. California is given 55, Texas is given 38, and New York is given 29 electoral votes. To win the presidency, a candidate must get a total of at least 270 electoral votes. So naturally candidates will try to capture the majority votes of the most populous states. However, in recent elections candidates spend little time in California, New York (liberal states), and Texas (a conservative state) because their allegiance to political parties is predictable. Candidates generally only visit these states to raise money. Instead, candidates campaign in "swing" states (states that could go either way) such as Ohio, Florida, and North Carolina.

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βˆ™ 9y ago

A Presidential candidate may spend more time in states with larger populations because they have more electoral votes. Population determines representation in the House.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

Presidential candidates spend time in states with larger populations so that they can secure larger numbers of votes.

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Q: Why would a presidential candidate spend more time campaigning in states like California Texas or New York?
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What states does a presidential candidate want to win?

A presidential candidate typically aims to win swing states, which are states that could feasibly be won by either major political party. Some key swing states in recent elections include Florida, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Michigan. Winning these states can have a significant impact on a candidate's path to victory in the Electoral College.

What is the purpose of the national convention system?

The purpose of the national convention system is to bring together delegates from each state to nominate a candidate for the presidency of the United States. It serves as a platform for party members to discuss and determine the party's platform and select its presidential and vice-presidential nominees.

What is the largest number of states including the District of Columbia that a candidate could win and still lose the election?

The largest number of states a candidate could win and still lose the election is 39 states, given the Electoral College system where each state's electoral votes are critical. This scenario could result from a candidate winning states with fewer electoral votes while the opponent wins states with larger electoral vote counts.

Electorial votes by State?

Each state in the United States is allocated a specific number of electoral votes based on their representation in Congress, with a total of 538 electoral votes available. To win the presidential election, a candidate must secure at least 270 electoral votes. The number of electoral votes per state is determined by adding the total number of Senators (2 per state) to the number of Representatives (based on each state's population).

The power to confirm presidential nominations belongs to the?

The power to confirm presidential nominations belongs to the United States Senate. The Senate holds confirmation hearings for nominees to executive and judicial positions and votes to either confirm or reject them. The Vice President has the authority to break a tie in the Senate when confirming nominations.

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