Different languages were created over a lengthy period of time due to different colonies separating and cultures gradually morphing. Each colony made its own way of communicating - often more individual than the others - to show pride and uniqueness in their own people.
For instance, when referring to Germanic languages and how they made their way to England, we see how the language changed constantly due to environmental factors. The Saxons, speakers of Saxon, a Germanic language, were invaded by the Normans who introduced Norman French to the language of Saxon. The Vikings also had an effect in the north of England as they spoke Norse as well as the Romans, who invaded some time before and introduced Latin, thus the English language we speak today was born and it will continue to forever change.
Dialects also cause the language to change. As mentioned above, some colonies of people wished for their language to be unique and individual from another. The language of Swiss-German is a good example when comparing it to German. Although, some time ago, these were the same people, they purposely created a language - which did have some environmental effects due to bordering with France and Italy - in order to appear different from the common Germanic man.
Standard German (Deutsch): Und ich habe Heimweh nach den Bergen
Swiss-German (Schwyzerdütsch): U i ha Heiweh nach de Bärge
And finally, due to colonies of the world not working together. As humans, we've forced ourselves away from one another for thousands of years, thus we have developed different ideologies, thoughts, cultures and languages from other people. It's pretty simple if you think about it in that sense.
Different languages developed as a way for people in different regions to communicate and express themselves, influenced by cultural and geographical factors. As human populations spread across the world, isolation and unique experiences led to the creation of distinct languages. Language diversity continues to evolve as societies interact and exchange ideas.
People who speak several different languages are called polyglots.
A person who can speak different languages is called a polyglot.
Rhyme can vary between languages due to differences in phonetics, phonotactics, and the structure of words. For example, languages may have different sets of sounds or phonemes that can create rhymes. Additionally, the position of stress in words and the complexity of syllable structure can affect how rhyme is perceived and utilized in different languages.
A person who speaks 6 different languages is commonly referred to as a polyglot.
The number of languages in the world reflects the diversity of human cultures and histories. Languages develop and evolve based on different social, historical, and geographical factors, leading to the existence of multiple distinct languages worldwide.
Different languages were created by different people, obviously.
There are many problems of communication in different languages. Interpretations, inflection and meaning of words can be lost in communication of different languages.
All 6,809 languages in the world are different from each other.
Different languages were designed by different people, obviously.
People who speak several different languages are called polyglots.
most languages are similar in structure but have different rules about rhyme. -apex
Languages are different mainly because of land differance. Different ancient people developed different languages to suit the land they were in and the words they needed in their culture. Eventually, as people migrated, the languages became different and evolved to accomidate even more words. Many languages also adopt words from other languages, and many languages originate from the same language, but are made different over time.
im not crazy in 100 different languages
A person who can speak different languages is called a polyglot.
They would have had many languages as they came from different countries and different tribes, so it would be impossible to list all the languages that they spoke.