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It really depends on your waist size and the diaper brand. Each brand has it's own "size chart", so pick a brand then then enter its name and "size chart" and it will tell you what to buy.

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Q: I want to wear a diaper and I'm 43 kg and pounds 94 suggest what to wear?
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How can you convince an adult to let you wear a diaper 247?

Unless you are incontinent, there is no need to wear a diaper at all. I strongly suggest that you might want to speak to a counselor about this matter, as it could be a forerunner of issues that could cause major problems as you get older.

Which toilet paper is more resistant?

actually you should just wear a diaper and i suggest pampers

When you wear a baby diaper will you turn into one?

Turn into a baby diaper?! No that's silly. Turn into a baby? That's just as silly. If you need to wear a baby diaper, then you need to wear a baby diaper. If you want to wear a baby diaper, go for it if it fits. Maybe you should think about adult diapers, then you might turn into an adult (lol).

What if your caught in a diaper?

By this question I can only assume that you are somehow not suppose to wear a diaper, however, I believe that if you want to wear a diaper, be honest with yourself and those around you and wear one. When was it said that diapers should only be worn up to a certain age?

What is the best diaper for a 14 year od girl to wear under her Easter dress?

First of all why is wearing a diaper?, just want to know!!! she should wear a cloth diaper with cute plastic pants over it.

Should you wear a diaper to school for fun?

No, unless you want to make a fool of your self.

If you WANT diaper rash how can you make yourself get it?

Go in a drug store, buy yourself some diapers and wear them for a few days. And you will have your diaper rash.

What if your boy that is 11 years old and he wants to wear a diaper?

Let him wear a diaper.

Should a teen wear a diaper?

Only if there is a medical reason for it. Some teens want to wear them and its ok even if they don't need to use a diaper, they are just attracted to the diaper or there curious. It shouldn't matter if it is for medical reasons or not if they really want to wear a diaper and it isn't hurting anyone let them and if they prefer to have someone baby them then there are females and males that like to be ab mother and fathers to these people would love to find a g/f that likes to be in this fetish with me.

How do you hide a diaper under your clothes?

the best way is to wear baggy clothes and wear a small diaper

You are 14 can you wear diaper?


Can i wear a diaper?
