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No, it's not. A Labrador can come in three main colors which are cream, black and chocolate the ones I seen anyway a lot of people in my area have chocolate labs and are such great dogs, the color chocolate is not a defect in this breed at all, its actually a well sort after color and my choice of colors in the Labrador's if you Google the breed you will come up with alot of information on the breed including what colors are acceptable in a purebred Labrador Retriever hope this answers your question.

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Q: Are chocolate labs a defeat to their breed?
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What is the 1 breed dog in the US?

Labrador Retrievers (Yellow Labs, Black Labs, Brown/Chocolate Labs)

What breed is the smallest chocolate labs?

Chocolate labs are the breed itself. If you wanted a smaller dog, you would want a female dog because they tend to be smaller. However, almost all chocolate labs are male. To get a smaller dog I would go with a black lab or a yellow lab.

What is a difference between red bull and blue bull?

The color. One's red, the other's blue. There are no other physical difference and they are theexactsame breed. It's like yellow labs and chocolate labs; same breed, just different colors.

Can 2 black labs have chocolate puppies?

it is possible that a small fraction of the puppies will be chocolate or yellow labs.

Are chocolate labs puppies born black and then go chocolate?


What is the chocolate labs phylum?

A chocolate lab's phylum is Chordata.

How are chocolate labs produced?

If the mom has chocolate lab in her genes, she will have a good chance of having a chocolate of her own. We have 2 black labs that we bred and she had a chocolate baby because it was somewhere in her line.

Chocolate labs are in heat how many times a year?

It is the same for every breed, but every dog is different. It is usually between every 6-7 months.

Can two chocolate labs have a yellow lab?

yes my yellow lab has a mom that's a black lab and a dads that's yellow and they had black, yellow and Brown labs so you will get a mix NO. Two chocolate labs will ALWAYS have chocolate labs. Chocolates are double recessive which means they only carry the recessive chocolate Gene.

Do chocolate labs shead?


What is a good dog kennel name and I have silver and charcoal labs?

I have heard of black labs, and chocolate labs, and even golden labs, but never SILVER or CHARCOAL labs.

What is used to make chocolate in the chocolate labs?

Chocolate is made in chocolate labs using processed cacao beans. This is generally mixed with several other ingredients, including sugar for taste and milk for texture and consistency.