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Well a guinea pig can NOT i mean can NOT eat plastic because if it did it would get really sick,it could even DIE if it ate to much, really hard plastic is even bad.You can feed it apples,Oranges,green peppers,anything with vitamin c .

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13y ago
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15y ago

oh yes they can chew through almost everything

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14y ago
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13y ago

yes they can as long as it is chew toy wood, safe to chew and non toxic.

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12y ago

definately not. plastic can cause impactation which will cause death. pls do not ever give your chinchilla any plastic.

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13y ago

yes and its good 4 their teeth

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14y ago

yes they can and paper too!

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Q: Can a Chinchilla chew on plastic?
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You need to have an environment (cage) with many levels. The room you keep it in can't be to hot or your chinchilla will overheat and if not treated, will die. Plastic is poisonous to chinchillas so be sure to not give it any toys with plastic in it.

Can crickets chew through plastic?

no because it is not got strong teeth

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yes for sure they do it all the time

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It is dangerous for your dog to chew on disposable plastic food containers. A piece of plastic and become lodged deep inside the throw.