a meerkat moves on it 's 4 legs and can also stand on it's hind legs
No we do not have two legs we have none we walk with are arms.
Dinosaurs that walk on two legs are called "bipeds". The term applies to all animals that walk on two legs.
A bear can walk on two legs but only for a few steps even up hill.
Two arms and two legs.
mainly birds and other meerkat groups that's why they have sentries the 1s that stand up on there hind legs
Someone who has been paralyzed in their legs.
walks on 4 legs when you crawl 2 legs when you walk and 3 when you walk with 2 legs and a cane Age. We all walk on four legs as a baby, two legs as an adult, and three legs as an old person with a cane.
Hadrosaurs and Iguanodonts are both known to have walked on four legs. However, they could stand, walk, or run on two legs when it was useful.