you can buy a good medicine for ill kittens at petco(depends on what kind of illness the kitten has).if u don't have a petco at your state then u should take it to a vet.
The mother cat gives birth to the kittens.
She felt that her kittens would be safer there.
At 1 week old, you can determine the gender of a kitten by looking at the distance between the anus and the genital opening. In male kittens, this distance is greater than in female kittens.
Kittens need their mother's milk for at least 8 weeks.The answer to your question is yes.
you should probly make the kittens get in the carrier because they can get nemonia
The gender of a 3-week-old kitten can typically be determined by looking at its genitalia. Male kittens will have a small distance between the anus and the genital opening, while female kittens will have a closer distance between these two openings.
Kittens naturally get goop in their eyes; you just need to keep wiping their tear ducts regularly. If the goop seems exessive, take the kittens to a vet.
If it is cow's milk, it could make the kitten sick. Some cats are lactose intolerant and such a young kitten getting diarrhoea can quickly leave it severely dehydrated with can become fatal in a matter of days. Specially formulated kitten milk that are found in most stores are perfectly safe for kittens and adults to drink as a treat.
The puppy can get sick.
It is probably teething. Give it something else to chew on.
Call the fire department .