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It depends on the situation. A bull calling because he's hungry will beller or so-called "moo" like a cow will. When challenging another bull or trying to woo some cows he will make a low, growling or rumbling call, or let out a "battle call" in the form of a bellow. He will also let out a blowing snort in a stance just before he proceeds to fight with another bull, or when warning a human to get out of the pasture or corral, or even when he's in a fearful mode like if he feels cornered.

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Manley Wehner

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3y ago
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12y ago

Wolves are very similar to people, so there emotions change. If you want the howl it is easier to just say 'the wolf howled as he stood in the night' you can change the word HOWL to SING or even SPOKE.

If you need the wolf to be doing something you can use words like

  1. Snapped
  2. Growled
  3. Grunted
  4. Barked
  5. Yipped
  6. Yowled
  7. Snarled
  8. Whimpered
  9. Winced

But because wolves always move when they make sounds you should also talk about what caused the wolf to make those noises.

This is an example from my story...

The wolf's forehead, neck hair and hackles were raised. Ivory teeth appeared between the jaws, its tongue moved around its mouth, and saliva dripped from its lips.

"At least you know what is going to kill you. So I can kill someone smart for once." The wolf snapped stepping closer to her. 'What do I do? Somebody, somebody help.' Elspeth's heart beat faster with each passing second. The wolf lifted its right paw partly above ground; its claw sparkled from the rising sun. 'My voice won't work!? Why, why won't it work?' Elspeth closed her eyes and blocked her head with the back of her arms.

"Kedna down!" a deep voice beckoned toward the wolf. Elspeth opened her eyes to see a guy standing between her and the wolf. There wasn't anything wrong with him; he appeared normal; well as normal as a well toned guy could. Her eyes moved across his backside, he wore a school uniform. 'Maybe he's a knight trainee, I should ask.' She thought. 'No!' shaking her head and returning to her senses. Kedna stepped back and retracted his claws as much as he could.

"Are you ok?" the guy asked scratching his scruffy copper colored hair and looking away from her. 'He's got a strange energy aura around him; I've never seen one like that before.' Elspeth though as she stood up and wiping the dirt off her skirt.

"I'd be better if your pup didn't try to kill me."

"Did you just call me a pup, girl!" Kedna snarled almost went after her again; however the guy interfered-again.

"I told you not to go around attacking humans." The guy yelled at Kedna in the same tone as before.

"Yeah well I'm not the one who used magic to win a sparring match."

"I didn't cast that spell and you know it. You're just trying to win that match."

"As if, I could beat you any dame day!" Kedna growled back.

I hope this helped you, and anyone else who wants to know.

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2y ago

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10y ago

It depends on the situation. A bull calling because he's hungry will beller or so-called "moo" like a cow will. When challenging another bull or trying to woo some cows he will make a low, growling or rumbling call, or let out a "battle call" in the form of a bellow. He will also let out a blowing snort in a stance just before he proceeds to fight with another bull, or when warning a human to get out of the pasture or corral, or even when he's in a fearful mode like if he feels cornered.

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12y ago
The Sound of a BullBulls go mmmmmooooooooorrrrrrrr
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15y ago

Snortled or chorkled -Chorka Wolffe

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12y ago

A bull bellows.

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