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Mostly Thoroughbreds make most money but Arabians and barbs

my name on howrse is ascot11

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Q: What breed of horse make the most money on Howrse?
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On howrse what two horses breeds do you have to breed to get a Purebred Spanish Horse?

You must already have a Purebred Spanish. Or you can buy a Purebred Spanish horse in the sales already purebred. It is impossible to make a breed or breed two breeds of horses to make another breed in Howrse. Only the Administration can make new breeds.

How do make your own breed of horse on Howrse?

You cannot make your own breed (howrse introduces new ones into the game every so often) but you can cross any types of breeds that you want, ending up with horses with numerous bloodlines.

What is the promotional code for howrse to make your horse a unicorn?

Sorry, there is none. You have to buy one, and breed it at 6:23 GM time.

What is the code on Howrse to register a new horse?

You do not need a code to register a horse on howrse. You make an account.

Where can i buy a horse at so i can enter online with its code for Howrse?

you dont have to buy a horse to play the game howrse. If your new make an account and you will get your own horse

What can you do on Howrse?

Howrse a virtual horse breeding game where you can buy, sell, and make your own horses.

What will most likely breed a female on howrse?

There is no failsafe way of breeding a female on horse, it's just down to luck. However you can always use zeus' lightning bolt to make a male horse female!

On Howrse what does Castrate mean?

On Howrse, castrate means to remove a male horse's testicles in order to prevent reproduction and manage behavioral issues related to breeding urges. This procedure is often done to make the horse more manageable and easier to handle.

On Howrse how can you age your Howrse really fast without spending money?

There is no way to get around from spending money on Howrse. Not equas, that is. You can wait to get passes and get mourpheses arms and age your horse without limitation, but until they are thirty years old. Make sure you take care of them! Or they WILL die. Happy Howrsing! -snowflakes13 from howrse. You can not get around that! Happy Howrsing! The Stables From Howrse PM me or friend request!

How do you make a new horse on Howrse?

You can't make another horse. You either have to buy one, or breed a male and a female to produce a foal, which you also can't make. You need 3 karma and 2 horses to access The Private Sales and the Auction. If you made a female horse when you started your game, you can get another player to breed with it and that will make a foal. If you use a fertility wand on your mare before birth, you will produce twins.

If you want to over take a horse rider you have to Howrse?

that doesn't make any sense what does "If you want to over take a horse rider you have to howrse?" mean??? do you mean if you want to take over a horse rider you have to ...??

When can you use the Philosopher's stone on Howrse?

In the game Howrse, you can use the Philosopher's Stone when your horse reaches 5 years old. It allows you to choose a coat color or pattern for your horse.