No. Like most mammals, the mother has sex with a male guinea pig.
no, if its the father the male usually helps the mother.
A mother guinea pig gives birth after 4months and some times have its baby in 1 or 2 weeks early
tell her that the guinea pig cant fit and needs a bigger and better house
A male guinea pig can impregnate a female when it's only two months old. It should be separated from its mother and sisters by six weeks.
The gestation period for the guinea pig (I assume this is what the question is asking) is about 60-65 days.
No, leave them with the mum guinea pig, she'll look after them. If you take them out too soon it could be distressing for the mother pig.
at least half an year
29 days
Give it to a vet and let them take care of it.
you don't deliver the guinea pig babies. let the mother do her job. let nature take it's course. but i must warn you not to touch the guinea pig babies because the mother might not take care of them.