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Kill the mother and feed it to her babies

ewww, no. your such a twisted person. that's sicked and cruel. do not listen to this creep. that is NOT what you do.

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Q: What do you do if your mummy hamster won't feed her babies?
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Your hamster wont go in with her babies?

probly means theres a defect or he is resenting them and shunning them as to not to care for them

Can you feed your hamster pickles?

no pickles are poisenis to hampsters belive me from expireince the end wont work out to well. byby hampster if you feed him a pickles

How do you know when your hamster is about to have babies?

Her belly will get very hard, and she wont move much. She'll also be looking for a good hiding place.

Why wont your green pacific parrotlet feed their babies?

ad parenting instincts they might feel threatened

Can you feed monkey nuts to a hamster?

Yes, you can feed your hamster almost any type of nut, but since the monkey nut has a harder shell you might want to crack the nut open before so he wont have a hard time eating the nut instead of taking forever just to get the shell off. So yes you can feed your hamster a monkey nut.

How many hamster babies can your hamster have?

Most hamsters have 5-7 babies. Last year my 1 year old hamster had 18 babies, They can have up to 24 babies They can have about 2-10 babies maybe even 1. About 5 my hamster and my friends hamster had five babies

Can you save newborn cats that the mother wont feed?

I'm not saying I know, but probably not, because the mother will scratch you if you try and touch her babies.

Does hamster babies live if the mother is young and immature?

yes the babies still should live and if the mom is immature and wont take care of it like you no hang out with it or nurse it lay down with it and all you should consul with your mom and figure out what you should do

Can hamsters eat all purpose flour?

hamsters can eat flour it wont make them sick at all any food that does't have much taste and not that much of any thing is ok to feed you hamster ( i have fed my hamster flour and nothing happened)

Ok your hamster won't eat or drink by himself how do you give him food?

give him a treat he wont usually eat then give a walk then feed dog,cat or bird food

Do you take the male hamster out when the female is pregnant?

Yes; you should so the male wont be bothering the female and making her depress .If she is really close to birth and she is depress she might kill her babies.

When does your hamster has babies?

Hamsters can get pregnant again right after they give birth to babies...BUT it is best to wait atleast 6 weeks after they give birth so the mom can be strong enough to be pregnant again and it wont place her in danger. Plus that 6 wks is time to get the babies weened from mom... it would place too much stress if shes still nursing babies and has more babies before last liter is weened from her.