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Mountain lion, its bigger.

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Q: What is more dangerous a bobcat or mountain lion?
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Which is more dangerous - the African lion or a mountain lion?

African lion is more dangerous because lion is the second largest cat after the tiger.

What is more dangerous to humans timber wolf or mountain lion?

If you're at the receiving end of an attack, it's a difficult to consider one less dangerous than the other. However, the wolves are more territorial, and more likely to attack.

Is a lion more dangerous than a mountain lion?

Yes, as the lion is much larger than a mountain lion and is less apt to hide from a human.

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Is a lion more dangerous than a rhino?

It depends if the rhino is provoked in attacking or not. A lion could be more dangerous if it attacks and fights enemies that come to attack the territory. But if a rhino charges, it is more dangerous.

Can mountain lion eat a coyote?

Yes a mountain lion can eat a coyote. While coyotes can be vicious, mountain lions are much bigger and have more power.

How are starfish and mountain lions the same?

The name "starfish" and "mountain lion" are both misnomers. A starfish is not a fish and a mountain lion is not a lion. So I guess they are similar in that their names are misleading. Although a mountain lion is much more related to a lion than a starfish is to a fish. Mountain lions share the same Family name with lions, Felidae.

What is the most dangres a tiger or lion?

The tiger is more dangerous, as the lion is very lazy animal.

What is a list of different types of wild cats?

Lion Tiger Liger(half lion half tiger) Leopard Snow leopard Mountain lion- Cougar-Puma- Panther ( i live in Texas and we call then mountain lions) Cheetah Tiger (there are lots of species of tiger) Lynx- bobcat That's all i can think of right now ill try to find more :) :)

What animals are in the cat family?

With respect to North America that are present or were present in recent times and are listed. Mountain Lion Bobcat Lynx Jaguar Ocelot Margay Jaguarundi

Is a lion more dangerous than a tiger?

It depends on where you are. If you are in a forest, the Tiger is more dangerous because Lions don't live in Forests, they live in Deserts, where you most likely will not see a tiger. Overall, I think they are tied, Because tigers are stronger, but lions hunt in prides.

In what state has more mountain lion California or New Jersey?