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Bring him straight to the nearest vet. He could get a serious infection.

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Q: What would do you do if a dog pulls his toenail off?
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Why would your toenail fall off if there is no injury?

Foot fungus.

How do you make your toenail fall off if they aren't loose?

By picking or peeling the toenail off.

Why does Ronald Mcdonald's dog always pulls Ronald's blanket off his bed?

because his dog has cancer and also because his dog is getting him outta bed.

What makes a toenail fall off?

If you drop something heavy on your toenail, it will kill the nailbed and it will fall off. Usually will grow back eventually.

Can you work out if your toenail has came off?


If you have a cracked toenail with dried purple blood should you take it off?

No! Let the new toenail grow to replace it.

What to do if your toenail is ripped off?

What I always did was clean it and then I would get a band-aid to put over it to stop the flow of blood.

Can a dog heal its wounds?

Magically? No. However, dogs do have regenerative qualities similar to any other mammal. If you cut a dog's leg off, it will not grow back. If the dog bites his toenail off, that will grow back. The dog must be alive in order for its wounds to heal. This is crucial. Dead puppies aren't much fun.

How do you aid a bleeding toenail on your dog?

Get a piece of bandage and wrap it around the dogs toe and before that clean his/her toenail off and make sure the poor thing is not wounded any other way in the paw

How can you tell if a toenail is dead?

The dead nail will begin to detach (and eventually fall off) while a new toenail grows in.

What if the dew claw is cut and hanging?

Clean the area where the torn toenail is located. The dew claw or the toenail up on the side of a dog's paw is a primary location for this type of tear. Remove any hair or dirt off the dog to get a clear view of the injury. Shave or cut the hair from the dog's paw, if necessary, to allow for the appropriate medical care. Rinse the torn toenail with lukewarm water, not hot. You need to remove any blood or dirt lodged in the wound. Trim the broken end or the jagged end of the toenail that is dangling. If the toenail is broken down into the skin, you will need to take your dog to the vet for additional medical care. Stop any bleeding by applying a first aid antibiotic ointment gently with a cotton ball. You can also use silver nitrate or a styptic powder. If none of these is available, make a paste from household cornstarch or flour and pack around the wound. Leave the wound open to air dry and heal, provided your dog will leave it alone. Most torn toenail injuries need to have a bandage of sterile gauze wrapped around the paw area and secured by medical tape. Wrap the wound firmly, but not tight enough to cut off the circulation in the dog's paw. Keep an eye on your dog to make sure that they do not chew off the bandage to get to the wound.

What steps do you do when a doctor takes off your toenail?

On the Lighter Side....After a toe nail removal, the steps you take would be .... gingerly.