The phrase is "Bear with me" or "Bear with", meaing hold on while I do something.
For example:
Person 1 "Are you ready?"
person 2 "Not quite, bear with while I get my shoes on."
The correct phrase is "bear the burden" and that applies to the phrases built on that phrase as well, such as "bear the burden of proof".
Gloomy Bear
Gloomy Bear
The phrase that completes the sentence "The clumsy bear lumbered" could be "through the dense forest." This phrase adds detail to the bear's movement, indicating that it was moving slowly and heavily through a thickly wooded area. It paints a vivid picture of the bear's cumbersome progress through its environment.
Koalas are not bears. The phrase "koala bear" is an old mistake.
bear claw is in English, do you mean, what the Gaelic translation of the English phrase "bear claw"?
the polar bear uses its fur to stay warm
We all have our cross to bear means that we can't make progress without SOME suffering.A bit more:Since Jesus was forced to bear (carry) his own cross on which he was crucified, it is assumed this phrase originated from that.
Be patient, wait. My computer is running slow at the moment, so please bear with me.
The phrase "as hungry as a bear" means to be very hungry, as bears are known to have voracious appetites and can eat a large amount of food when they are hungry. It is often used to describe someone who is extremely famished or eager to eat.
Russell Harty
un ours tatoué