It is worth a modern value in Chinese currency.
5 cent
The coin is face value.
How much is this coin worth
it is worth $120 per coin
What you presumably have is a James Buchanan presidential dollar coin. It was minted in 2010 and is worth one dollar.
how much is a 2002 20cent coin worth ?
How much is the Ten Dollar Independence Day coin of Bahamas worth
The coin is worth only a dollar.
worth of ceaae coin copy
how much is a 10p1976 eire coin
The 1941 Belgium 5 franc coin is worth about 4-5 dollars.
It depends wholly on the coin.
It is Latvian five lats coin and it is worth about 12 USD
How much a 1901 Magyar 2 cent coin is worth depends on the condition of the coin. In average circulated condition, such a coin is worth 1 US dollar. In fully uncirculated condition, this coin is worth 5 US dollars.