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1/6 = :

A dot represented 1/12 and two dots represented 2/12 which is 1/6 simplified

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Q: How do you write one sixth in Roman numerals?
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How does one write 2012 in Roman numerals?

The year 2012 in Roman numerals would be written as MMXII. The RapidTables website has a converter that can be used to convert standard numbers in to Roman numerals.

How do you you write one thousand in numerical?

1000 in roman numerals = M

How do you write one millon in roman numerals?

(M) or M with a line above.

How do you write one lac in roman?

1 lac can be written as ,in Roman numerals it can be written as :100000 in roman numeral =C.

How do you write in words1625?

It is: one thousand six hundred and twenty five = 1625 and in Roman numerals MDCXXV

What is another way to write 312?

One way to write 312 is by spelling it: Three hundred and twelveAnother way would be to write it in roman numerals: CCCXII

Is this how write in figures half million 1.5 MM?

One half million = 500,000 In Roman numerals, this is: D with a line above it 1.5 million = 1,500,000 In Roman numerals, this is MD with a line above both letters.

What is a Roman numeral of thirty one million?

The number 31,000,000 in Roman numerals would be [XXXI] with a horizontal bar placed over it (which I can't write with my keyboard).

Write one million and one as a numeral?

MIImproved answer:The above answer represents 1,001 in Roman numerals but 1,000,001 in Roman numerals is:(M)I or MI but with a line above the numeral M to indicate multiplication by a thousand.Numerals in brackets also indicate multiplication by a thousand.

How do you write 1052 in latin?

MLII is how one writes 1052 in Roman numerals: M 1000 L 50 I 1 I 1

What kind of things have the roman number on it?

A CLOCK has roman numerals! Not every clock has roman numerals but if you have kind an elegant clock or an old styled one you might have it! Another place you might find roman numerals are on sheet music, where chords may be indicated with roman numerals.