ed mod n = 1 ed = kn + 1 for integer k so d = (kn + 1)/e for integer k.
The letter K had no particular significance; it was chosen merely to have a phonetically different letter from the letters C and D.
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<math.h> #include<conio.h> void main(void) { int K, P, C, J; double A[100][101]; int N; int Row[100]; double X[100]; double SUM, M; int T; do { printf("Please enter number of equations [Not more than %d]\n",100); scanf("%d", &N); } while( N > 100); printf("You say there are %d equations.\n", N); printf("From AX = B enter elements of [A,B] row by row:\n"); for (K = 1; K <= N; K++) { for (J = 1; J <= N+1; J++) { printf(" For row %d enter element %d please :\n", K, J); scanf("%lf", &A[K-1][J-1]); } } for (J = 1; J<= N; J++) Row[J-1] = J - 1; for (P = 1; P <= N - 1; P++) { for (K = P + 1; K <= N; K++) { if ( fabs(A[Row[K-1]][P-1]) > fabs(A[Row[P-1]][P-1]) ) { T = Row[P-1]; Row[P-1] = Row[K-1]; Row[K-1] = T; } } if (A[Row[P-1]][P-1] 0) { printf("The matrix is SINGULAR !\n"); printf("Cannot use algorithm --- exit\n"); exit(1); } X[N-1] = A[Row[N-1]][N] / A[Row[N-1]][N-1]; for (K = N - 1; K >= 1; K--) { SUM = 0; for (C = K + 1; C <= N; C++) { SUM += A[Row[K-1]][C-1] * X[C-1]; } X[K-1] = ( A[Row[K-1]][N] - SUM) / A[Row[K-1]][K-1]; } for( K = 1; K <= N; K++) printf("X[%d] = %lf\n", K, X[K-1]); getch(); }
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int A,B,GCF=1,K,X; main() { clrscr(); printf("First integer:"); scanf("%d",&A); printf("\nSecond integer:"); scanf("%d",&B); X=A*B; for(K=2; A!=1 B!=1; K++) { while (A%K==0 && B%K==0) { A/=K; B/=K; GCF*=K; } while(A%K==0) { A/=K; } while(B%K==0) { B/=K; } } printf("GCF is %d",GCF); getch(); }
Yes. To show the conditions on a, b, c and d given that if a/b = c/d then a+b = c+d. Suppose b != d (and that both b and d are non-zero) then: d = kb for some number k (!= 0), so c/d = c/kb = (c/k)/b so a/b = (c/k)/b => a = c/k => c = ka Thus: c + d = ka + kb = k(a + b) Which means that c + d = a + b only if k = 1. Thus if a/b = c/d then a + b = c + d only if a = c and b = d. The condition on b and d both being non-zero prevents the possibility of division by zero. If either is zero, a division by zero will occur and at least one of the fractions is infinite.
What does it mean tho???
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { int i,j,k,l,m; clrscr(); for(i=0;i<4;i++) { for(j=i+1;j<=4;j++) { printf("%d",j); } for(k=1;k<=i;k++) { printf("%d",k); } printf("\n"); for(k=i;k>=1;k--) { printf("%d",k); } for(j=4;j>=i+1;j--) { printf("%d",j); } getch(); }
1 a day keeps the doctor away
1 a day keeps the doctor away
#include<stdio.h> int main(){ int line,i,j,k; printf("Enter the no. of lines"); scanf("%d",&line); for(i=1;i<=line;i++){ for(j=1;j<=line-i;j++) printf(" "); for(k=1;k<i;k++) printf("%d",k); for(k=i;k>=1;k--) printf("%d",k); printf("\n"); } return 0; }
Roughly i'd say about 1.2, i mean, mines 1.03 but i have quite a few mates with over a 2 k/d and i have very few with a k/d under 1
//the following code will help you to write the program for(i=n-1, j=0; i > 0; i--, j++) //n is the order of the square matrix { for(k=j; k < i; k++) printf("%d ", a[j][k]); for(k=j; k < i; k++) printf("%d ", a[k][i]); for(k=i; k > j; k--) printf("%d ", a[i][k]); for(k=i; k > j; k--) printf("%d ", a[k][j]); } m= (n-1)/2; //calculate the position of the middle element if (n% 2 == 1) printf("%d", a[m][m]);//to print the middle element also //9809752937(udanesh)
What is Grade A K D? This is a low fat yogurt (like all commercial yogurts out there) with 1% milkfat and vitamins A& D added. If you can find a commercial yogurt made from full cream or whole milk
1 apple a day keeps the doctor away
i =i d =dont k=know
k*tan[√(4x)]=k*tan[(4x)1/2], where k is a constant:Multiplying by a constant, multiply the derivative of u by the constant c: d/dx d/dx(cu)=c*du/dxd/dx(k*tan[(4x)1/2])=k*d/dx(tan[(4x)1/2])-The derivative of tan[(4x)1/2] is:d/dx(tan u)=sec2(u)*d/dx(u)d/dx(tan[(4x)1/2])=sec2([(4x)1/2])*d/dx([(4x)1/2])d/dx(tan[(4x)1/2])=sec2(2√x)*d/dx([(4x)1/2])d/dx(k*tan[(4x)1/2])=k*{sec2(2√x)*d/dx([(4x)1/2])}-The derivative of (4x)1/2 is:Chain rule: d/dx(ux)=x(u)x-1*d/dx(u)d/dx(4x)1/2=(1/2)*(4x)1/2-1*d/dx(4x)d/dx(4x)1/2=(1/2)*(4x)-1/2*4d/dx(4x)1/2=4/[2(4x)1/2]d/dx(4x)1/2=4/[2(2√x)]d/dx(4x)1/2=4/[4√x]d/dx(4x)1/2=1/(√x)d/dx(k*tan[(4x)1/2])=k*sec2(2√x)*(1/√x)d/dx(k*tan[(4x)1/2])=[k*sec2(2√x)]/√x