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Q: What is integral in sanskrit?
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What is the Sanskrit translation of the word Integral?

Integral (math) :अनुकल anukalaintegral or inherent : आनुषङ्गिक aanuShangika; स्वाभाविक svaabhaavika

What is the sanskrit translation of the word integration?

Integral (math) :अनुकल anukalaintegral or inherent : आनुषङ्गिक aanuShangika; स्वाभाविक svaabhaavika

Are stories written in Sanskrit long ago are still popular today?

Yes, stories written in Sanskrit long ago, such as the epics Mahabharata and Ramayana, are still widely read and popular today. These ancient texts continue to be studied, adapted into various forms of media, and are considered integral to Indian cultural heritage.

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Sanskrit (India)

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Archaic Sanskrit means Ancient Classical Sanskrit.

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The Sanskrit word for 'The' is 'एतद्' (etad).

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Integral in Tagalog: mahalaga

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Answer is "Broccoli", Broccoli is Sanskrit word, it is come from Sanskrit.

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संस्कृत क्रॉसवर्ड্ (sanskrit crossword)

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The Sanskrit word for snake is "sarpah."

How is Riemann- stieltjes integral a generalization of Riemann integral?

In reimann stieltjes integral if we assume a(x) = x then it becomes reimann integral so we can say R-S integral is generalized form of reimann integral.