i think , you just read the book of hindu. which named SREE MADH BHAGAVATH GEETHA.
The Bhagavad Gita is believed to have been composed around the 2nd century BCE to 2nd century CE, during the time known as the Mahabharata period in ancient India. It is part of the larger Indian epic, the Mahabharata, and is a sacred text of Hinduism that contains spiritual and philosophical teachings.
Geetha Ramanathan has written: 'Feminist Auteurs' -- subject(s): Feminist film criticism, Feminism and motion pictures
Sathi Geetha was born in 1983.
Geetha Stachowiak is 5' 8".
Geetha's blue film get
Geetha Kumarasinghe's birth name is Kumara Vidugalage Dona Geetha Samanmali Kumarasinghe.
Geetha Vijayan was born on 1972-06-22.
Geetha - actress - was born on 1962-07-14.
Geetha Narayanan Gopal was born in 1989.
The cast of Geetha - 1981 includes: Ashwath Ramesh Bhatt Shankar Nag as Sanju Akshata Rao as Geetha
P. Geetha Jeevan was born on 1970-05-06.