It sounds marvellous. It suggests that it is better than the one which is not advanced. Here is Michael Flanders talking in 1957 about airports: "And then someone comes and tells you that you are on the "advanced flight", which sounds marvellous! Until you find out that it means you have to wait another half an hour!"
Boringly repeating.
It is a negative word. Meaning negative, dreary, sad, etc.
Few is a negative word in connotation meaning not many or much. A few is positive in connotation and means som or any.
A general connotation for infinity is forever, but because connotation is dependent on the individual reader, the connotation varies.
A child who asks many questions can be described as "inquisitive". This has a positive connotation. Badgering or pestering also describe describe a person who asks many questions. This has a negative connotation.
What is the connotation of the word blind?
its connotation
A negative connotation is a descriptive word that implies an undesirable characteristic. A negative connotation of the word strange is the word weird.
Some words do not have a negative connotation,as this word does. Actually, the word clothes is a neutral word and has no connotation at all.
Connotation for the word ponder is positive
is the word refined a connotation
A connotation is a secondary or associated meaning of a word. If you have the word home then a possible connotation for it could be a place of residence.
I am sorry if you thought my connotation of that word meant you were a bad person.Referring to me as a very mature woman has a negative connotation.
This is a negative connotation.
It is a negative Connotation
A beggar generally is a negative connotation.
It has a formal connotation.