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The Catholic Church celebrates John the Apostle's feast day on December 27. The Eastern Orthodox Church celebrates it on September 26.

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Q: When is john the apostles feast day?
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Who were the first apostles at Jesus' tomb?

Peter and John went to the tomb.

What Bible verse has the wedding feast at Cana?

The account of the wedding feast at Cana is found only in John 2:1-11.

When did the Apostles receive the gift of the Holy Spirit?

AnswerThe apostles received the gift of the Holy Spirit on either of two occasions, depending on which source is used: In John's Gospel at 20:22, Jesus breathed on the ten apostles (with Thomas absent) and gave them the Holy Spirit in the upper room on the evening of his resurrection. Elaine Pagels says there is a thread of anti-Thomas sentiment in this Gospel, and this is demonstrated by the omission of Thomas.In Acts of the Apostles, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles on the day of the Pentecost, more than forty days after the resurrection of Jesus.

Why is Matthias not spoken of except for once in the Bible?

There are three groupings of the Apostles according to Bullenger's work (Appendix 141). Of those groupings there are only written works for 5 of the 12 apostles. Therefore, there are other apostles for which we currently have no written works preserved. Matthias is not alone in his disappearance from the written works. Remember John was in prison when he was given the Revelation by Christ's Angel. The Apostles were hated by the established temple of the day. Challenging the belief of the people and having power to do miracles, will not set well with either government or existing religious systems, as it undermines both. The apostles continually ran into this conflict.

What book of the Bible tells of the Last supper?

The Last Supper was held on the occasion of the Jewish Passover feast, which in the synoptic gospels (Matthew, Mark and Luke) was the evening before the crucifixion of Jesus. The synoptic gospels all contain the story of the Last Supper. John's Gospel prefers the crucifixion to be on the day of preparation for the Passover feast, so John omits the Last Supper account, replacing it by Jesus washing the feet of the disciples.

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No. Judas Iscariot, one of the Twelve Apostles, does not have a feast day. First, because he turned in Jesus. And second, he killed himself which is a sin to the Catholic Church.No, Judas does not have a feast day. He is not considered a saint as he betrayed Our Lord and committed suicide.

Who was anointed by the Holy Spirit?

(Acts 2:1-ff ) The Apostles and believers on the day of [Feast] Pentecost