Satan is an "angel"... a "sexless spirit being" that neither reproduces, physically, nor partakes of the institution of "marriage" that God created for man.
A group of Sadducees ["...which say that there is no resurrection..." - Matt.22:23] tried to trip Jesus up with a complicated scenario involving seven brothers and one woman [Matt.22:24-27]; and finally asked Him:
"So tell us, whose wife will she be in the resurrection? For she was the wife of all seven of them!" (verse 28 NLTNew Living Translation)
"Jesus replied, 'Your problem is that you don't know the Scriptures, and you don't know the Power of God. For when the dead rise, THEY WON'T BE MARRIED. THEY WILL BE LIKE THE ANGELS IN HEAVEN." (verses 29-30)
There's a great chasm of misunderstanding among the religions of the world [including modern professing Christianity] regarding the Truth of God's Word, what man is, and God's purpose for man.
So, too, does this misunderstanding extend into many facets of Scriptural Truth; like what are "angels."
"...God never said to an angel, as He did to His Son, 'Sit in Honor at My Right Hand until I humble your enemies... But ANGELS ARE ONLY SERVANTS. They are SPIRITS sent from God to CARE FOR THOSE WHO WILL RECEIVE SALVATION.'" (Heb.1:13-14 NLT)
It should be obvious from the passage above that "angels don't marry" -- that is, if one is given to "believe and trust in" what Jesus says.
As for Satan and his band of twisted, perverse, rebellious angels, however; the Scriptures reveal that they DON'T SERVE MANKIND or CARE ABOUT MAN'S SALVATION; except for possibly denying salvation to man if they can by whatever means through wicked thoughts and attitudes against all that is good.
In this regard... although Satan [or any angel] isn't married and doesn't have a wife -- HE DOES POSSESS A WORLD-FULL OF DISOBEDIENT CHILDREN!
Addressing the Children of God at the Ephesian church... Paul told them: "Once you were dead, doomed forever because of your many sins [the breaking of God's Commandments - I John 3:4]. You used to live just like the rest of the world, full of sin, OBEYING SATAN, the mighty prince of the power of the air [think invisible 'radiowaves' in tune and in communication with the wavelength of the human mind]. HE IS THE SPIRIT AT WORK IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO REFUSE TO OBEY GOD [KJV: "...the spirit that now worketh in the CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE..."]. All of us used to live that way, following the passions and desires of our evil nature. We were born with an evil nature [rebellious, selfish flesh], and we were under God's anger just like everyone else." (Eph.2:1-3 NLT)
So, although Satan isn't married [and can't marry]... and doesn't have a wife... HE AND HIS ANGELS DO FOSTER A WORLD FULL OF DISOBEDIENT CHILDREN!
"Let there be no sexual immorality, impurity, or greed among you. Such sins have no place among God's people... You can be sure that no immoral, impure, or greedy person will inherit the Kingdom of Christ and of God... Don't be fooled by those who try to excuse these sins, for the terrible anger of God comes upon ALL THOSE WHO DISOBEY HIM[KJV: "...because of these things cometh the wrath of God upon THE CHILDREN OF DISOBEDIENCE..."]. Don't participate in the things these people do." (Eph.5:3-7 NLT)
Satan isn't married. He doesn't have a WIFE. But he is the "SPIRITUAL FATHER of many, many children."
"For YOU ARE THE CHILDREN OF YOUR FATHER THE DEVIL, and you love to do the evil things he does. He was a murderer from the beginning and has always hated the Truth [see John 17:17]. There is no Truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and THE FATHER OF LIES. So when I tell you the Truth, you just naturally don't believe Me!" (John 8:44-45 NLT)
A:Lilith and Satan are never mentioned together in the Bible. There is no suggestion in any Jewish midrash or tradition that Lilith was Satan's wife. However, a Jewish tradition is that she was Adam's first wife, but that she flew away because Adam would not allow her to be on top when having sex.
There are 88 times satan is mentioned in the Quran.
Satan is an evil entity and the name Damien is a satanic name used by the occult.
The word 'satan' appeared 15 times in the old testament.
Satan, also known as the Devil or Lucifer, is as old as God and Heaven themselves: they are timeless. They always were and always will be; there was no birth of either God or Satan and there will be no death of either, either. =) Satan used to be an angel-- one of the closest to God himself, and this angel was named Lucifer. Lucifer tried to rebel against God, questioning why God alone was superior to the rest, and as punishment God exiled Lucifer and all those who followed him from Heaven. Thus, the reign on Earth of Satan and his demons began.
Satan does not have a wife, and will never have a wife.
She told Job's wife to curse God and Die,and Satan wanted Job to do that all along
A:Lilith and Satan are never mentioned together in the Bible. There is no suggestion in any Jewish midrash or tradition that Lilith was Satan's wife. However, a Jewish tradition is that she was Adam's first wife, but that she flew away because Adam would not allow her to be on top when having sex.
Satan and his wife a pure virgin christian who was raped and had a child = a son for Satan to defy christ who was gods son. supposedly the ender of earth during the holy wars
Mary Ann Letch was Thomas " Satan" Brown's second wife's name. She and Browne married in 1875. His first wife's name is not mentioned in the annals of history that I researched.
See the related question below.
Ananias and later his wife, Sapphira.
Job:2:9: Then said his wife unto him, Dost thou still retain thine integrity? curse God, and die. His wife was not killed as a part of Satan's test.
It teaches Muslims not to obey Satan and it teaches them to be fully submitting to God and to His will. Muslims throw stones at the pillars of Mena following the practice of prophet Muhammad when he performed Hajj. This practice symbolizes throwing the Satan as an expression of Muslim intention not to follow Satan again and to consider Satan an enemy. It is said historically that prophet Abraham when intended to slaughter his son in obedience to God and with his son acceptance, Satan appeared to Abraham then to his son then to his wife and persuaded each of them not to obey God command and each of the three (Abraham, his son, his wife) threw him with stones in refusal to his sayings.
JB JB's wife, Sarah Mr. Zuss/God Nickles/Satan
Oversight. Actually The book of Job is an epic poem With lessons in faith, tolerance, and reward.
God twice gave Satan a challenge to have Job curse God, first by destroying his family and his property, then by afflicting him with a terrible disease. In the first trial, God told Satan that all that Job had was in his power, but the bargain was that Satan not touch Job himself (Job 1:12). Satan fulfilled his role by having Job's livestock and camels taken away by enemy bands, and his sons and daughters killed in a natural disaster. However, Job's wife is not mentioned. In the second trial, God relaxed the rules of the challenge for Satan, so that he could do evil to the person of Job, as long as Job did not die (Job 2:5-6). Job was afflicted with a painful disease, but his wife was unscathed and spoke to him. Because Job had shown his true devotion to God, he was compensated for his great losses, with vast new wealth, more children and long life. There is no mention of a new wife, so these children seem to have been borne by his first - and only - wife.