Jesus fulfilled Scripture when he was water baptized. But He was not baptized for His sins- He was sinless. When Jesus was baptized, He was baptized with the Holy Spirit, and with the Spirit came power. Jesus never performed any miracles before he was baptized. He had the Holy spirit, but he was not baptized with the full power of the Spirit until John baptized him.
Upon baptism, you're offering yourself to God and your soul will be cleansed of all sins. Jesus died for our sins, so asking God to purify us in the name of Jesus Christ will make it happen.
Jesus got baptized from John the Baptist at age 12
Jesus was baptized in the Jordan river and i do not know when it was all i know is that he was in his 30's(at least i think)
the bible does not record a single instance where any one was baptized "in the name of the father and of the son and of the holy ghost" however in acts 2.38 acts 8.12, acts 8.16, acts 10.48, and acts 19.5 people where baptized in the name of Jesus.the reason thy baptized in Jesus name was because thy understood that Jesus was the NAME of the father and the son and the holy ghost.
Jesus was Baptised by John. In the River Jordan.
Peter said to be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. you should be baptized in the name of Jesus because the spirit is the power the of God it's not a person. The spirit is a counselor.(john 14...)
lol, I've been baptized in Jesus' name three times... figure I'm covered now.
thats is the only way to be baptized is in Jesus name
so people can respect jesus !
I believe he has.
Yes, The deciples did get baptized (in the name of Jesus).
You get immersed in water in the Name of Jesus
Jesus fulfilled Scripture when he was water baptized. But He was not baptized for His sins- He was sinless. When Jesus was baptized, He was baptized with the Holy Spirit, and with the Spirit came power. Jesus never performed any miracles before he was baptized. He had the Holy spirit, but he was not baptized with the full power of the Spirit until John baptized him.
Jesus was baptized in the river Jordan by his very own cousin John the baptist. And the name of the country where he was baptized was Jordan, a very small country.
There is no difference if you already believe that the Son of God is Jesus Christ.