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Numerology was of great importance to the ancient Jews, and the number 7 and its multiples were particularly significant. There were four quarters of seven days in the moon's cycle, therefore seven days in a week - an invention of the Semitic people of the ancient Near East.

Two prominent examples of the use of the number seven and its multiple, fourteen, occur in the gospels. Both Matthew and Luke use numerology, with a pattern of sevens 'proving' that Jesus was the messiah. Matthew demonstrates that there were 14 generations: from Abraham to David; from David to Josiah; from Josiah to Jesus. To do this, he had to ignore 3 kings in the Old Testament and have David in the preceding (as 14) and following (as 1) groups, but not so Josiah. Luke had great men occur in multiples of 7 generations starting from Adam, with: Enoch at 7; Abraham at 21; David at 35; Jesus at 77. He also had: Joseph at 42 and 70; Jesus (Jose) at 49. To do this, he had to insert his own fictitious people into the Old Testament list: Kainan at 13; Admin at 28.

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Q: Why is the number 7 so important in the Bible?
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What books and chapter is the number 7 used in the bible?

There are about 400 passages in the Bible containing the number seven, so you will have to look it up for yourself in a Bible conlll

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well the number 7 is a very important number during Revelations, the last part of the bible that talks about the end of the world. So you can call the group Armageddon, such as "Here Comes ARMAGEDDON!!!!!!!" it has a nice ring to it.

Is there any Importance of seven in Bible?

The number seven is extremely important in the Bible and in fact, is mentioned more times than any other number. The number 7 is actually translated meaning "to be married to". So when couples were married in Bible times, they were seven. This can also be for Christians being seven to God. 7 is also found many times in the book of numbers (obviously). In the march around Jericho, they marched for 7 days and 7 times on the 7th day. There were 7 priests, and 7 trumpets. 7 has many more meanings as well. If you have a concordance in your Bible, it may give references to more meanings. ------------------------ Also 7 is reffered to as being 'complete' When God created the earth he rested on the seventh day, and that was the day that the earth was complete,(Of course by reading other scriptures in he bible we learn that it wasn't a literal 7 days, but rather MANY MANY MORE years) there is a few instances where 7 is used to represent completion.

What books and chapter are the number 7 used in the bible?


Why do you have 7 days in a week?

The Bible says so!

Where is the number 7 completion in the Bible?

In biblical numerology the number '7' represents 'completion or perfection.' Whenever it is read, this is the associated meaning for some.

Why is number 7 God's perfect number?

cause its one one digit off 6 its in the bible

Why is it important to maranao is thenumber 7?

because number 7 in my birthday

Which book of the Bible has as he thinketh in his heart so is he?

Proverbs 23:7

Which number in 7 is irrational?

7 is a rational number. There is no other number in 7 and so the question has no sensible answer.

What does the number 7 represent in the Bible?

Other answers from our community:I think the number 7 in Bible represents perfection or completion.Numerology was very important to the ancients, perhaps almost as much so as traditional religion. The number 7 and its multiples are found throughout the Bible to represent perfection or completion.7 is Gods perfect number, and 6 is man's (or satan's) best effort to match him.The number 7 in the Bible represents "completion". It also represents God.