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Metal Grain Direction is similar to Wood Grain Direction. It is the direction in which the metal was produced, so when you look at it under a magnifying glass and see lines, that is the direction in which the metal was made in the factory.

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Q: What is metal grain direction?
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Grain flow in forging?

When metal under goes mechanical working (forging) and deformation takes place, the grains in the metal get aligned in the direction of material flow. When you cut and polish the forging in the direction of material flow and macro etch, the surface will reveal fibre like structure. This is known as grain flow.

What is grain flow in forge component?

Grain flow is a typical grain pattern generated during forging of metal. When a piece of metal is cold or hot forged by applying external force or pressure, then metal starts deforming normal to the direction of application of pressure. During the process of permanent deformation, metal grains get deformed & generate what is known as" flow lines ". This is called Grain Flow. It can be seen by chemically etching cross sectional piece of forge metal shown fig below.

Do you bend metal with the grain?

Against the Grain, if you bend with the grain it will split the grains

What is the grain of the timber?

The grain - is the pattern in the wood, showing the direction of the fibres.

In which direction do you sand wood?

never sand wood across the grain always sand with the grain

Which direction do you sand wood?

never sand wood across the grain always sand with the grain

What is the tolerance for grain direction?

You should determine the tolerance for grain direction, including secondary grain direction if you have a single crystal material. You should evaluate it's effects on your structures harmonics and stress to see which gives you the most favorable results, then see how far you can deviate from that and still have acceptable life.

What is a grained paper?

Most paper has what we call a "grain direction"; it used to be thought that the grain direction was due to paper fibers being aligned in that direction in the paper-making process, but current thinking is that it is more strongly related to what tension the paper was under as it dried. Handmade papers which were dried between felts often do not have a pronounced grain direction. When a paper does have a pronounced grain direction, as most modern machine-made papers do, it will bend or fold more easily with the grain than across it. If you dampen one side of such a paper, it will curl into a tube with the grain. Most commercial papers are sold "grain long" -- that is, the grain runs the long way, from top to bottom on the sheet. (Putting these things together, if you take a sheet of commercial US printer paper and dampen it on one side, it'll curl up with the grain, resulting in an 11-inch-long tube.)

How grain size depends on the temperature of liquid metal?

It doesn't, it depends on how fast the metal was cooled.

What is a metal storage area for grain called?

bread shed

What is a grain of fabric?

A grain of fabric refers to the direction of the threads in the fabric. Fabrics have three grains: lengthwise grain (parallel to the selvage edge), crosswise grain (perpendicular to the selvage edge), and bias grain (45-degree angle to the lengthwise or crosswise grain). Each grain behaves differently when fabric is cut or manipulated.

What products did the Greeks exchange?

In exchange, the Greeks got grain, timber, and metal.