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Definition - Terne is an alloy coating of lead and tin used to cover steel, in the ratio of 20% tin and 80% lead. Terne is used to coat sheet steel to inhibit corrosion. It is the one of the cheapest alloys suitable for this, and the tin content is kept at a minimum while still adhering to a hot-dipped iron sheet, to minimize the cost.

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15y ago

It is called solder , used to ,well, solder electronic components to printed circuit boards.The more the percentage of tin the better.

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Q: What metal alloy does tin and lead make?
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What does tin and lead make?

Tin and lead makes pewter

Can metal melt?

Yes, all metals, both pure (element) and alloys, can be melted; though some require large heat inputs at very high temperatures. By contrast the lowest melting point is of a lead-tin-antimony-bismuth mixture called "Wood's Alloy", at about 70ºC.

Examples of mechanisms in the home?

tin opener

What are the simple machines in a paint tin opener?

Fulcrum I think.

What happens to metal once it has been mined or smelted?

I had to answer this for homework, this question didn't help me as there was not any answers but I found something on the cycle of metal...INGREDIENTSMetal is a material that is mined from earth. There are many different types of metals. Many of the metals that get thrown in the garbage are scrap metal. Scarp metal is metal we don't want any more like old cars or construction waste. Metal is not biodegradable. But, it can be recycled to make many other useful products.HISTORYPeople have used metals from the beginning of times. They even named whole period of history after metals like Copper Age. Since then people have been using metal for many purpose from construction to packaging and car parts. Metals are still mined today. scientists have also found many ways to improve metals so that they can be stronger and have more uses.USEMetal is used everyday life everywhere you can think of for example construction workers use them to build houses and buildings, are also in computers and even in your house that you live in.Metal is and important part of buildings just think about it if your house or any building did not have any metal during a hurricane your house would very unstable and would collapse.That is why metal is such an important part of the world to have.Anywhere you look there are probably at least and inch of metal.LIFE CYCLEMany types of metal are recyclable and here are a few steel,tin cans,aluminum cans,empty aerosol cans,and aluminum foil plates.After metal is mined it is smelted and processed into many of the products listed above.But do you know what happens to it after it has been used?Well first you have to wash it and it would do the workers at the recycling place good if you crushed them but most people just rinse it and throw it into a recycling bin.After it has been recycled the process starts from the beginning.