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Galvanic corrosion occurs when the two meet (especially when water is present) - use a barrier lubricant (Tefgel or anti-seize)

or plate the screws with Nickel/Teflon or Cadmium.

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Q: Why not use stainless steel screws on aluminum?
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Screws hold better, but stainless steel nails last longer. Why not use stainless steel screws? They're the best of both worlds.

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What metal is used to make pans?

aluminum stainless steel copper with a tin lining cast iron stamped steel that's coated in enamel

Why do you use stainless steel screws on a cedar fence?

Stainless steel does not corrode like other metals do. because of the tannic acid in cedar and the fact that it will be outdoors stainless steel will resist corrision much better.

Is the best type of cookware stainless steel or aluminum for mild use?

Stainless steel, preferably copper-clad stainless steel, should last a lifetime if properly cared for. Aluminum is fine for those on a budget, as long as you remember that it is a soft metal and treat it accordingly. In addition, aluminum should not be used to cook alkaline foods.

What if screws in pool skimmer are rusting?

drill them out and use stainless steel ones next time

Is there a test to determine something is stainless steel and not aluminum?

Use a magnet. Magnets stick to steel but don't stick to aluminum. Stainless is very weakly magnetic at best. Best to identify aluminum from stainless by weight (aluminum is much lighter) or by hardness (aluminum is much softer; scratches more easily). ***************** Though magnet test can show the difference between magnetic steel and aluminum, it cannot show the difference between non-magnetic steel and aluminum. In this case you can tell the difference by 1. weight , since aluminum has density 2700 kg/m3 and steel (magnetic or not) 7500 2. hardness, using a knife or something similar, since aluminum is softer than steel

I want to use screws on cypress board and batten what type do you recommend?

Stainless steel screws should be used on cypress, but you may have to predrill first.

Do braces have aluminum in them?

No, metal braces are made of stainless steel. Some dentists also use gold and ceramic materials.

What would I use a stainless steel cap screw for?

steel cap screws are used where there is danger of rust because steel cap screw are resistant to corrosion because they form a tough oxide layer when exposed to oxygen. the strength of stainless steel is very good

Can you weld steel to stainless steel?

Yep, you can weld steel to stainless and you can weld stainless to steel. You can use steel or stainless welding rod in either case but the steel or steel welding rod will of course rust.

Why is aluminum reactive with tomatoes?

It's the acid in tomatoes that reacts with aluminum. Highly acidic foods like tomatoes, lemons, etc. will react with aluminum. Best to use stainless steel or enameled cookware with these.