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Teeth move throughout your life and an extraction provides an increased opportunity for this. Hence, teeth are extracted if the mouth is crowded, especially in preparation for braces. If crowding is not a problem then the teeth will not actually close the gap, rather, they fall into it, particularly on the lower jaw. The process is very slow, almost imperceptible. So you will still have a gap for which a plate or bridge may be a solution.

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Q: Do other teeth move to close the gap after an extraction?
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Why does pain move from the extacted tooth in the back to the front teeth after extraction?

Maybe it has to do with the placement of nerves in you're mouth?

Do chains on braces hurt worse?

Yes as they quickly move teeth to close spaces.

When you get braces for your 6 front teeth will your back teeth move too?

No not unless you have braces or some other appliance moving your bottom teeth.

Can you move your front teeth?

Braces can be used to move teeth.

Can other teeth move after having wisdom teeth removed?

Unlikely- teeth usually move forward rather than backward in a phenomena called "mesial drift" However, there are some cases where the wisdom teeth may be putting preassure on other teeth or have cysts associated with the tooth, im sure your dentist will explain this to each individual patient depending on the type of impaction.

How do gear move?

Gears move by the teeth on the gears. When you rotate one gear, the other one moves because the teeth pushes each other away, but just won't get away from each other so they just keep spinning and spinning!

When should I rinse my mouth after a wisdom tooth extraction?

My doctor's directions were to wait 24 hours before brushing my teeth. I bought a baby toothbrush for the teeth directly next to the extraction site; this give better control so that the extraction site is not hit during the brushing process. Also, they say to "drool" out and NOT spit for 1 week following the extraction, as this may rupture the blood clot. The same is true for ALL mouthwashes - do NOT use. The 1 tsp salt in 1cup of luke warm water mixture is to be gently moved around the extraction site, by the tilting of the head - do NOT swish, as this may rupture the blood clot. It's best to wait about a week after the extraction to brush your teeth. 24 hours after the extraction you can rinse with warm water and salt. Do not swish but very gently move your head to move the water in your mouth. Its best to "drool" it out. Do not spit or swish as this can remove the blood clots and cause dry socket which is very very painful.

Is it normal for your two front teeth to pull apart when you have braces?

Yes, it happens while trying to move other teeth. When the orthodontist finds it, or is doing fine tuning with your teeth, s/he will fix it.

What cant teeth do that other parts of the body can do?

feel, move, fight infection/disease, heal themselves

What cant teeth do that other parts of the body do.?

feel, move, fight infection/disease, heal themselves

What do you call it when your teeth start to move when you get cold?

Teeth Chattering

Do braces mean teeth?

No, they are devices to move crooked teeth.