If you have had no cramps or spotting it is unlikely that you will have lost the baby between 6 and 8 weeks.
I was told that they can not detect a heart beat before 6 weeks old with a scan. therefore you must be at least 6 weeks pregnant before the scan will pick up the heart beat.
not for 6 weeks
go to your doctor and book in for a scan. this happened to me and unfortunately was the beginning of a mis -carriage although it could have been other things. i also had browny discharge. we had a scan and there was no heart beat and found out the baby had died at 6 and a half weeks.
I am now 9 weeks. When I was 8 weeks my baby's BPM was at 164.
With that much of a difference,not likely. But your baby could be on the larger side, but not THAT much larger. The ultrasounds are pretty accurate. They are measuring the brain development, skull size, and other organs to get this estimate.
You need to see a doctor about this, it could be serious or it could be nothing. A scan will confirm if your baby is OK. I had bright red bleeding a 5 Weeks and had 2 scans that confirmed everything was OK but now at 8 Weeks have the bright red bleeding again so have a scan booked for tomorrow.
At sixweeks the heart beat was retrieved. Some ultrasounds can not find the heartbeat of the baby til three or four months into a pregnancy. Usually when your miscarrying, you will feel abdominal cramping and usually clots of blood. Usually most women miscarry within the first 6 weeks, most woman who pass six weeks have a healthy pregnancy and baby. If you are concerned talk to your Doctor!
after 6 weeks
around about 5-6 weeks
4 weeks and 5 days from scan, the first two weeks you are pregnant if the weeks which you are ovulating, technically you are not pregnant then but you still have a egg
6 to 8 weeks