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Battle of Verdun (1915). French army v German army Battle of the Somme (1916). Allied army v. German army Battle of Jutland (1916) British navy v. German navy

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Q: 3 battles from World War 1 and who fought them?
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How many battles were fought in world war 1?

they were 78 battles fought in four years

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Where did the battle of the world war 1 happen?

There were many battles in world war 1, fought at many locations

Was most of the major battles fought in Luxembourg?

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What and where were the main battles of world war 1 fought?

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During World War 1 how many battles were fought?

148 i beileve

When were battles fought in world war 1?

vimy ridge and other stuff

What did the technology in world war 1 resulted in?

increased military casualties in battles fought during the war

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Where did the 1 world war take place?

Globally - battles were fought all over the world, but most of the battles took place in europe.

How were battles fought in world war 1?

the battle of Vimy Ridge,Somme, Ypres and Passchendaele