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The reason why Americans want a world of peace with no military entaglements is that millions of people in Europe died uncessarily for many unsolved issues and reasons. The Americans wished they had never go to war in Europe because it solved nothing and cause more problems with the Treaty of Versailles.

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Q: After World War 1 Americans wanted world involvement without military entanglements?
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What is the difference between military mentality and civilian mentality?

I was a military spouse. In my experience, Military Mentality has a lot to do with the structure. They do as they are told without question. There is no asking someone else. There is no "rights". There is no appeal process. If a superior officer says 'no', they don't appeal, don't ask a second time. However a Civilian Mentality is quite the opposite. We are taught as Americans to question authority (respectfully, of course). If we don't like the answer, get a second opinion or appeal to a higher power/court.I know I would never be successful under the Military Mentality expectation, so I did not serve. It is difficult for many in the military to transition from one to another.

What are soldiers without an affiliation to an organized military sometimes called?

guerilla warriors

How did Americans feel about US involvement in World War 2 after December 7 1941?

The public was opposed to entering the war. That was way over there beyond the Atlantic Ocean, we didn't want to get involved. After Pearl Harbor the public was ready to fight back. It was a good thing too, can you imagine if Hitler succeeded? Germany was only months away from developing atomic weapons. Nazis with atomic weapons...Armageddon anyone? At least for anyone without blue eyes and blonde hair.

Why dis Americans oppose military intervention abroad after Vietnam war?

Because a lot of bad things happened during the war and people were scared that it might happen again. Also we lost. I oppose most such intervention because most of the things we get involved in are not our problem and could be remedied without losing the lives of my people in a war that is really not our problem.

What were the issues that rose due to the appearance of nuclear weapons and Soviet control over Eastern Europe?

The issue was "how does a military force make a move...without triggering a nuclear war...?" Hence, a cold war. A military stand-off.

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