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Nova Net Question: It fell under the control of the united states and the soviate union.

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Q: After the Japanese surrendered at the end of world war 2 what was koresa's fate?
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What was koreas fate after the Japanese surrendered and the end of world war 2?

it was freed

After the Japanese surrendered at the end or worl war II what was Koreas fate?

Divided into North & South Korea at the 38th Parallel.

When did the Americans bomb Nagasaki?

Nagasaki suffered the same fate as Hiroshima in August 1945. The bombing of Nagasaki on August 9th was the last major act of World War Two and within days the Japanese had surrendered.

What is fate in Japanese?

Fate in Japanese is 'unmei'. written in kanji ; 運命

What is the word 'fate' when translated from English to Japanese?

Unmei, is Destiny, Sadame is fate, Hitsuzen is Inevitability.Unmei (運命) means fate.

What Did Hiroshima Do During The World War 2?

It received an atomic bomb. 3 days after, Nagasaki had the same fate leading the Japanese to surrender.

How do you say chaining fate in Japanese?

I think it is Rensa unmei

How do you say fate is waiting in Japanese?

unmei WA matte iru

How do you say fist of fate in Japanese?

For 'fate', it's 'Unmei'For 'fist', it's 'Kobushi'.For 'of', it's 'no'So it'd be 'Unmei no Kobushi'.

What is the phrase 'taste of fate' when translated from English to Japanese?

sadame no ajiwau sadame no aji

Who is the author of the Japanese novel Fate Stay Night?

The Japanese novel Fate Stay Night is a virtual novel designed by the developer Type-Moon. The author is Kinoko Nasu, who began writing the story for this novel while he was still in college. He is also know for writing another visual novel called Tsukihime.

Fate of many Japanese Americans?

After the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941 by Japan, President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066 in February of 1942 that led to the internment of Japanese American living on the West Coast. Japanese Americans in this part of the country were removed from their homes and sent to internment camps for the duration of World War 2.