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sell arms to a country at war!

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Q: Because the United States was neutral it could not?
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Why you think the us can no longer remain neutral?

The US could no longer remain neutral in WWI because of Germany's policy of unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman note. Also, the United States had economic and cultural ties to the allies.

Could Confucianism solve problems in the united States?

Yes because it solves problems.

What does usva mean?

Because of the forum it is probably the USVA or the United States Veterans Affairs. It could however be the United States Volleyball Association or some other obscure group.

What is another word for on the united stats?

A word for United States could be US or USA. Or the full name could be used, United States of America.

Why do people know Obama so well?

Because he is the president of the United States of America. How could they not know him?

Why did William Jennings Bryan?

He resigned because he could not stand to be in office if he United States entered WW1.

What is life like for immigrant children now in the United States?

the life like for immigrants children now in the united states is very good because they could do many thing they want

Why did the US want to stay neutral during World War 1?

The United States could easily afford to go to war from an economic standpoint, but it wrestled with the possible cost of lives as well, for a war that many felt was not the concern of the US. Culturally and socially there was much sympathy for Britain in some quarters, and antipathy in others, depending on your position in society. For example, British emigrants felt that they should support their home. The primary influences were that Pacifists felt that the United States should set an example of peace to the world. Additionally, the Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States would not interfere with foreign affairs. Also, the United States had stronger economic ties with the Allies as opposed to the Central Powers. Trade between Britain and France with the United States was double the trade with Germany. American manufacturers were flooded with orders for weapons and supplies from the Allies. Eventually, there was a shortage of labor.

What does united state produce?

The United States is a major producer of Agricultural Products... The United States feeds the world so i guess you could say the United States produces life?

Why were the Dutch located were they were?

It's the Netherlands. And about your question. It's pretty stupid, because I could ask the same of The United States.

How many states were there in the United States in 1957?

It matters what time it was, so it could be 48, 49, or 50.

What does LA US mean?

Could either mean Lousiana, United States or Los Angeles, United States.