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The capital of the Republic of South Vietnam (RVN); Saigon.

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Q: By the end of April 1975 which city fell to the north Vietnamese army leading to the unification of Vietnam?
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Was the US at war with Vietnam in 2008?

The Vietnam War ended on 30 April 1975, when North Vietnamese Tanks crashed through the South Vietnamese Capital's gates.

When did the war between north and south Vietnam end that lead to their unification?

30 April '75.

Where did the Vietnam War end?

At the South Vietnam Presidential Palace compound in Saigon on April 30, 1975 when North Vietnamese communist forces accepted the surrender of South Vietnam.

Did troops stay in North or South Vietnam after war?

The South Vietnamese Army surrendered in April of '75. South Vietnam was a defeated nation in April '75. The victorious Northern troops were stationed through out the new country of Vietnam (there was no more N. or S. Vietnam after '75).

Saigon used to be the capital city of vietnam what is the name of the city today?

Saigon was the capital of the Republic of Vietnam, or "South Vietnam." It is now Ho Chi Minh City. Hanoi was the capital of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or "North Vietnam." It is now the capital of the whole nation.

What day was the vietnam war declared over?

The Vietnam War officially ended on April 30, 1975. This was the day when North Vietnamese forces captured Saigon, the capital of South Vietnam, effectively marking the end of the war and the reunification of Vietnam under communist rule.

When was the Vietnam war officially over?

US Forces withdrew in March of 1973; South Vietnam fell to Communist North Vietnam in April 1975.

How did the Vietnam war camed to a end?

North Vietnamese Army (NVA) T54 tanks entered South Vietnam's capital, capturing it on 30 April 1975. That ended the war.

Who Truly won the Vietnam War?

North Vietnamese Army (NVA) T54 medium tanks crashed thru South Vietnam's capital's gates on 30 April 1975. North Vietnam won the war.

Why did North Vietnam declare war on South Vietnam?

Both nations were created in 1954/55. North defeated the South on 30 April '75; 1975 one nation/Vietnam.

Which country is the winner of the Vietnam war?

north viet nam, you cannot fight a limited war and win, as is going on in Iraq presently.

In 1975 south vietnam-?

became Communist and reunited with North Vietnam