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Not on their own, but they can if pushed by someone else.

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Q: Can a person in persistent vegetative state move?
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What can the abbreviation PVS refer to?

The most common abbreviation that PVS refers to is "Persistent Vegetative State". This refers to the condition whereby a patient is unable to move from their bed due to their state of health.

What happend to The Undertaker on Memorial Day weekend?

He had a vegetative state which means he cant move, he can only move his eyes, its kind of like a coma, look it up on wikipedia, it explains ell of what it is

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When there is a sheriff's sale, a person typically has about 3 to 10 days to move. However, length can vary from state to state.

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A person can very well move out and stay anywhere she or he wants as long as they agree for the martial separation period.

What happend to the undertaker on WWE?

yes he is in a vegetative state hes dead and cant talk or move it is true not the storyline

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Yes, a decree if emancipation will be recognized in the state where the person chooses to relocate.

State statue can you move another car during a repossesion?

NO the repo person can not. Who ever owns it can or if they give someone else permission to move it.

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When you move to your new state of residence you will have to report in person to that state's DMV agency and apply in person. You will have to surrender your former state's drivers license at the time you are issued the new license.

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Big wide feet

Can a person who has a revoked drivers license in another state move to Arkansas and get a drivers license?

No. Not until your license is reinstated in your state. No state will give you a license until you clear that up.

What are the legal actions if a 17 year old moves out in the state of Alabama?

Did this person move with a parent? or did this person run away? This makes a difference on the situation and the answer.

If you move out of state will your children still draw their Social Security check from their father's death?

Yes. It is a Federal program, not a state one, so it follows the person.