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In my view every single country in the world apart from the following:

Burundi,Cape Verde,Dominican Republic,French Southern Territories,Guinea-Bissau

Macedonia,Northern Mariana Islands,Sao Tome And Principe,United States Minor Outlying Islands,Western Sahara.

This is an indirect answer however, since this does take into account the following:

1) previous sovereignty by third parties of land now sovereign itself.

2)attempted seizures

3)established bases

4)engagements within territories against third parties.

5)wars of independence against third parties backed by the government.

6)dominions, condominiums, colonies, mandates, occupations,invasions,civil wars,conflicts,dependencies,discovery naming and exploration,raids,indirect invasion by association, low intensity war,NATO actions,protectorates, peacekeeping,declarations of war,territories,gunboat diplomacy.Revolutionary support acts, militarily aided humanitarian aid,rescue missions and claims.

7)arguable incidences of informal empire by preference of trade, investment, property and industry backed by military assistance or threat.

8)Major incidents not resulting in war but with diplomatic victory.

9)Territories by association.

The reason I have listed all of these is that native populations,lands, third parties, sovereignty or economies have all at one time or another been directly or indirectly affected by these "actions".

Perhaps this is not a very good answer but there we are.

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Q: Countries Britain has been at war with?
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