All the countries that were against Germany were already in the fighting. Many smaller countries had contingent of troops landing on D-Day.
It gave the allies a foothold in Europe in order to defeat the Germans....
Germany did not surrender on D-Day, they fought until they were killed or pushed back
The consequence of D-Day was the eventual defeat of Germany.
You are mistaken, Germany surrendered almost a year after D-Day. The D-Day invasion was the precursor to the vanquishing of the German armies.
d- day was basicly all that the allies and the Germans had left so who ever lost d-day had not much less to fight with.
Landing craft, aircraft, tanks, and infantry. The same equipment used to fight Germany in Europe before D-Day, was used during D-Day.
All the countries that were against Germany were already in the fighting. Many smaller countries had contingent of troops landing on D-Day.
The main purpose of d-day was for the Allies to gain a foothold on the shore of Europe in the fight against Hitler's Nazis Germany.
It gave the allies a foothold in Europe in order to defeat the Germans....
It gave the allies a foothold in Europe in order to defeat the Germans....
It gave the allies a foothold in Europe in order to defeat the Germans....
D-Day was the first time in 4 years that the Allies had powerful armies in Europe. It led to the ultimate defeat of Germany.
Germany did not surrender on D-Day, they fought until they were killed or pushed back
No. D-Day is when the invasion at Normandy started. The day Germany surrendered is referred to as VE (Victory in Europe) day.
You are mistaken, Germany surrendered almost a year after D-Day. The D-Day invasion was the precursor to the vanquishing of the German armies.
The consequence of D-Day was the eventual defeat of Germany.