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The Compromise allowed the Missouri territory to join the USA as a slave-state.

The condition was that there should be no more new slave-states North of the parallel that marked Missouri's Southern border.

This represented a clear 'line in the sand' that kept the peace for thirty years, until the admission of California made the Compromise inoperable.

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No. The Missouri Compromise kept the peace for thirty years.

It was the failure of the Compromise of 1850 that brought the slavery argument to the fore, and encouraged the South to try for independence.

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Q: Did The Missouri Compromise cause the southern states to leave the union?
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How did the Missouri compromise cause the Civil War?

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When is the cause in the compromise of 1850 and Southern filibuster ventures?

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Who led Douglas to propose abandoning the Missouri Compromise?

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What allowed Missouri to be admitted as a slave state?

Good Question but Missouri was not officially a slave state during the Civil War it is classified as a border state and as such was not committed to either side. Though the entire state was ravaged by the War it was evenly split down the middle the North of the State traditionally supported the Northern cause of freedom and the Southern part of the state traditionally supported the Southern way of life and as such was a supporter of slavery.

What law reversed the Missouri compromise' ban on slaveryin the north?

Missouri Compromis!(:

Why did Missouri trying enter as a slave state cause a debate in Congress?

This caused a debate since at the time, America had a balanced amount of slave states and free states. If Missouri was admitted into a slave state, it would tip the balance. Thus, Henry Clay developed the Missouri Compromise, Allowing Maine as a free state+ Missouri as slave, keeeping the balance in check.

How did California's request for statehood cause a crisis?

Because it would upset the balance between free-states and slave-states, and went through the 36° 30' line, from the Missouri Compromise of 1820, thus it could not be solved easily.

Did the confederates seceed from the us?

Yes. In all 11 Southern states officially seceded. Two others Kentucky and Missouri, were sypathetic toward the southern cause but did not ultimately secede from the Union. Even though these two states did not secede, they are both recognized on the Confederate battle flag.

Why was the Missouri Compromise of 1850 a link to the US Civil War?

The Missouri Compromise of 1850 was made a moot compromise with the introduction of the Kansas Nebraska Act of 1854. Neither pieces of legislation can be demonstrated as a cause of the US Civil War. And, both laws were deemed unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court in the Dredd Scott case of 1857.

Who decided to declare the Missouri Compromise unconstitutional?

(cause they were confused or something)- .... _this was the privous responce to this question which gave me no help so i decide to help. In the Dred Scott v. Sandford case in 1857, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress did not have authority to prohibit slavery in territories, and that those provisions of the Missouri Compromise were unconstitutional. It found that under the admission act of Missouri, that blacks and mulattos did not qualify as citizens of the United States.