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It depended if they were Nazi's or not, but some Nazi's were forced into it. Some did, some didn't.

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Q: Did the Germans feel sexually aroused about how Hitler treated the Jews?
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Was Hitler respected?

No, he was not. Germany was in an economical crisis right after World War I. When Hitler rose to power, most people were already very anti-Semitic(Against Jews). So when Hitler treated Jews as they were treated, it was already the way of life for the people in Germany. Hitler did promise the Germans that they would be taken out of their economy crisis. Germans at the time did not care anything else but to get back into a good economy. -Hitler was not hated by MOST Germans.

How were normal Germans treated in Germany by Hitler?

well, since they were not on the front lines, German officers often attended lavish banquets

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Hitler ordered that any Jew-sympathizers would be treated the same way as the Jews and sent them off to Concentration Camps.

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What was Hitler's philosophy?

Hitler's Philosphy was that the jews were not equl to the Germans. He thought that Germans were the best.

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No, on the contrary, Hitler believed that human beings are unequal and should be treated very differently. Even among Germans the SS towered above the rest in his view.

Why does Hitler only like Germans?

Because Hitler believed Germans was a super-race and all other races were inferior to Germans.

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if im understanding your question right, then no. Adolf Hitler lead the Germans

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Its wasn't Hitler's idea and the Germans hated it and started WW2

Why do hate Hitler the German?

Hitler didn't hate Germans.

What did Hitler describe true Germans as?

Germans are included in the Aryan race.

Was Hitler an effective leader for the Germans?

No, Hitler made Germany go into war where millions of Germans lost their lives, their homes and everything they had. After Hitler's death Germany was destroyed and in shambles, so he definitely was not an effective leader for the Germans.